nss G-Club Beauty Secret: the Kansa wand
A beauty secret from the past, ready to make its comeback in 2020
January 8th, 2020
We can affirm that 2019 was the year of beauty tools: from the ice rollers using a recipe that combines ice-cold with a deep massage of the skin, to jade rollers that enhance the curative and balancing power of the precious stone, till the more technologic devices featuring micro-current and LED-light to smooth and exfoliate the skin. All those tools, together with a mindful and gentle beauty routine, make our skin healthier and glowing and make us feel less guilty for the extra calories or drinks we treated ourselves with during the weekend (that are slightly damaging our skin but that we can't live without).
A new beauty tool is making its come back in the skincare process and we are sure that we'll hear about it in 2020: it's the Kansa wand, a tool that originated in India more than 5000 years ago from ayurvedic medicine, and made up of a metal alloy compost mainly of copper, that helps to balance skin pH. It's basically a magic wand.

The wand has two main functions - the lymphatic detox that removes toxins from our skin, and tissue remodelling smoothing and polishing our face. To make the best out of this tool, with visible results, we need to use it carefully and correctly. Here you have some simple tips.
1. You can massage the forehead drawing an 8 symbol and repeating 5 times. This also helps improving focus and relieve headache and stress.
2. To use it on the cheekbones, with small movements from the bottom up, you just need to push gently and with a constant movement that goes from the side of your lips to the ear lobe.
3. Before the massage, apply an anti-detox serum or a nourishing cream to get additional benefits for your skin.
4. For a lymphatic massage, place the wand on the side of your neck, just below the ear, and start moving the tool downwards and then upwards.
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