The Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces invites us to say no
Its meaning for all zodiac signs
September 18th, 2024
On the night between September 17th and 18th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurred in our skies. A unique event combining a Full Moon, a lunar eclipse, and a water sign with much to express and give. Let's try to understand the significance of it.
What does this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces mean?
Pisces is a water sign, and because of this, it's difficult to restrain or chain down. Pisces energy is easier to understand when you focus on the concept of infinity, on everything that knows no limits. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces invites us to let go of any desire for control and not to force what is not meant to be. It's also a time to reconsider our ability to set boundaries and make sure they're respected. How good are we at this, with ourselves and others? Can we say no? We need to stand up for ourselves, and quickly.
Never interfere with an eclipse
This astrological transit may also bring positive aspects. It helps us recognize and better face unexpected surprises and intellectual and emotional challenges in life. Among these surprises, there could be sudden separations or small losses. We will manage to clean up the mess, albeit with difficulty, thanks in part to the Full Moon. However, it might bring with it a sense of discomfort, all due to the eclipse, and we cannot interfere. Take care of yourselves.
The effect of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on all zodiac signs
Pay attention to what you dream, as your subconscious is sending you very clear messages. Take the time to interpret them. Stop living in survival mode and take control of your life. If you dream of a sick animal, consider your health.
When one door closes, another one opens, but for now, you need to close everything and escape the unexpected. Try to reduce curiosity and greed, as you might face tougher life lessons than expected. Enjoy what's within your reach.
Are you sure your job allows you to build the social connections you truly desire? Use this Full Moon to disconnect from the idea of possibility and focus on the tangible. Your career could be leading you astray.
If your integrity is at stake, it's probably best to not compromise. Critically organize the information and lessons you've learned—they will be useful in the future. If you're considering stepping away from someone or something, don't do it, or at least talk about it first. Communication is key.
Do you know those intimacy and relationship gurus? Mute them all, whether they're on social media or in your life. Be careful about what you're willing to listen to and accept as the ultimate truth. Things that are meant to happen will happen naturally. Don't force anything.
You have no authority over your friends, and you need to accept that. If you find yourself trying to improve or correct them, it may be time to reconsider your connections with the people in your life. The eclipse may signal a distancing from everything you once considered secure.
You're pushing too hard, and it's hurting you. Good intentions aren't enough; you also need to be willing to meet the needs of others. Strengthen your boundaries but be reasonable. Complaining is ineffective—change begins with action.
You're finally growing and changing. You're surrounding yourself with people who are more aligned with you, and the next step is to let go of what no longer serves you. Your vices are distracting you from your goals, which are within reach. Stay focused! You may act tough, but you struggle to say no.
Where is your home? The real one, the one that comforts your soul. Search for it in everything you do and in the people you welcome into your life. You may face uncomfortable moves, but it will be for the best, even if you can’t see it now.
Escape dysfunction, cleanse your life of everything that taints it. Only you can decide what's best for your long-term well-being. Don't rationalize your vices, embrace your limits. Be decisive for once!
You need to be intellectually stimulated and to transform yourself. The two may go hand in hand, but it's up to you to make them meet. You seek stability and recognition, but don't let your work define your worth! Break free from the need for external validation. True validation comes from within.
You're a keen observer and see everything with compassionate eyes. People are drawn to you, and you are a source of inspiration for many. Don't let their expectations crush you—step out of survival mode. Show love in your own unique way.