The tarot cards of the summer solstice
We asked the cards what they have in store for us
June 20th, 2024
In a few days, we will celebrate the summer solstice, known by many as the longest day of the year. The word solstice comes from the Latin solstitium: sol – sun, and sistere – to stand still. On this day, the sun reaches its highest point relative to the equator, illuminating our hemisphere for the greatest number of consecutive hours in a day, giving us what will be the longest day of the year. In ancient times, this day was celebrated with magical and pagan rituals, often involving the element of fire, seen as a purifier, as light to dispel darkness, evil, and obscurity; light to celebrate good.
The Importance of the Solstice
It is also a key moment in the agricultural year of pre-industrial societies, as it coincides with the time of threshing, or harvesting what was sown in previous months, around March; in my mind, I associate the harvest of the fruits of the earth with the harvest of the fruits of our efforts, of our past work, a small moment of languor and gratification. It is the most positive day of the year, energetically speaking, and it is also a time to recharge, to nourish oneself spiritually with solar energies, to manifest. Now that it is clear what energetic event we are approaching, I wanted to draw three cards from my Major Arcana deck, which will guide us through this period and reveal what summer has in store for us.
Arcana XI, Justice

Equity, harmony, virtue, and honor are the most evident aspects of this card.
You must learn, in this early summer period, to weigh every side of a question and to reflect on the consequences of our actions. In short, behave responsibly! Try to curb your impulsiveness, especially in important matters, because this, at this moment, is your enemy. Justice is a stern woman, with a steady gaze, inflexible, and critical; in this latter case, you might find yourself in an unpleasant situation in the near future, but the card itself invites us to react when we need to rid ourselves of something negative. Do not be afraid.
Arcana VII, The Chariot

Arcana of victory and triumph over events.
The Chariot represents success that can be achieved through willpower and determination. The success that The Chariot foretells is created through great efforts and personal sacrifices, certainly not a bolt from the blue! Recharge yourself with these energies that the sun will bestow on this day. Take a moment for yourself, because according to the cards, the coming periods will be very intense. But do not be afraid! All the efforts and sacrifices that this Arcana announces are efforts and sacrifices that we are willing to make. Success, probably in the workplace, is just around the corner. You just have to earn it!
Arcana XVII, The Star

Its influence is beneficial and positive, in some ways even inspiring.
It is time to visualize. Let me explain: we always talk, with The Star, about long-term projects. It is time, therefore, to try to develop projects that can last over time. This card will bring sweetness, protection, and, why not, a bit of luck, which will accompany us in all areas of your life: love, work, family, and so on.