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Marta Tenaglia presents the video of "Alda Merini centravanti"

"Soft vocal beats and real lyrics, shiny as mirrors"

Marta Tenaglia presents the video of Alda Merini centravanti Soft vocal beats and real lyrics, shiny as mirrors
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Alessandro Di Palma

Marta Tenaglia is beautiful and powerful while, dressed only in a sky-blue suit and her disruptive fragility, she sings "Essere artist* è questo, è qualcosa che non muore. È ricercare un senso ballando dentro al dolore" in the new single Alda Merini centravanti. The video, in exclusive premiere on nss G-Club, was directed by Alessandro Di Palma with the creative direction of Studio Amatoriale with Facciocosepunto.

The track, produced by Federico Carillo, is a free-spirited hymn, inspired by the ode O ragazza infinita, in which the famous poetess becomes the centerpiece of the "melancholy and melodrama team", the symbol of every soul with a heart made of glass that claims its place in the world. Talking about the single, the third after Bonsai and Ventilatore, Marta said:

Sometimes the beauty that we cannot see explodes in our eyes and we need someone who knows how to make a sanctuary, a colour, a song from it; we need to give it names (many) and limits (few) so that we can approach it. Anyway, in love there is nothing to understand, it is a tremendous risk. Like literature, like poets who, when they venture into it, risk their lives, their existence. 

Marta's soft vocal beats, mixed with sounds between nu-soul and hip-hop, shine with a disarming emotivity that strikes straight to the heart and projects the artist among the names of the Italian scene to know.

Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale

The first time Marta played guitar was in the fourth grade. From that moment on, writing became a necessity that accompanied her throughout her studies in Political Science or her work as a make-up artist and hairdresser at the Teatro alla Scala. Music began to play an even more central role in her life after she met Simone Castello, who believed in her talent and included her in the roster of his Costello's Records

Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale
Credits: Alessandro Di Palma for Studio Amatoriale

Forced by the pandemic to postpone live gigs and her official debut with Bonsai, the Milanese singer-songwriter has chosen the podcast format to introduce herself to the public. Entitled Prospettiva, the project included in each episode the cover of a different artist, carefully selected to allow the listener to enter into Marta's universe: from I Wish You Were Gay by Billie Eilish to Giovanni by Jamila Woods, from Fuck it by Eamon to Rapide by Mahmood. Prospettiva then turned into Cuore di Vetro in which the 28-year-old combines music and interviews. 

Thanks to Bonsai, Ventilatore, Marta Tenaglia has been selected by Youtube Music as the only Italian project in the playlist Women on the rise on the occasion of the International Women Day and now the new hit Alda Merini centravanti confirms her as one of the most interesting voices of the moment. What are you waiting for? Press play, turn up the volume and listen to Marta!