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Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign

An invitation to connection and transformation

Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation

Nature awakens after a long season of hibernation, ready to be reborn and show its new sprouts. Mornings come alive with the chirping of birds, and shades of bright colors announce the arrival of the Spring Equinox on March 20th.

What Happens with the Spring Equinox?

The Spring Equinox marks the transition from winter to spring and occurs every year in March. The term "equinox" comes from the Latin "aequinoctium" (composed of "aequus," meaning "equal," and "nox," meaning "night"), as during this day the Sun crosses the celestial equator, making the hours of daylight and darkness equal in length. It's a moment of harmony, growth, and fertility of the earth. After the long hours of darkness and rest in winter, nature transforms, reclaiming its vivid colors and blossoming with new shoots that will give life to the fragrant flowers of the season. Meadows fill with daisies, violets, and primroses, while we prepare to embrace the active energy that drives us towards the realization of our projects. It's important to remember that this period also marks the beginning of the zodiacal cycle of the sign of Aries.

"Connect with nature and let yourself be filled with its positive energy."

The Equinox symbolizes the harmony between masculine and feminine energies, with Spring highlighting the sacred feminine through rebirth and prosperity. Persephone is the Goddess representing the equinox, as we've seen during the Autumn Equinox. However, it's also important to consider the significance of the Goddess Ostara in Celtic and Germanic culture, associated with the arrival of spring. Ostara, also known as "Alban Eilir" or Earth's Light, brings an end to winter adversities, introducing light, warmth, and rebirth. The protector of abundance, she's symbolized by the hare and the egg and is also known as the Goddess of Easter. Her name, meaning "Dawn," represents her connection to the beginning of Spring in the annual cycle.

What to Do During the Spring Equinox?

  • Create an altar with elements evoking spring, such as flowers (violets/daisies), rose petals, and candles (green and pink). Express gratitude for all that nature gives you and for the first rays of light that recharge your energy.

  • Do spring cleaning.

  • Organize a gathering like a feast with relatives/friends, preparing fresh dishes with seasonal spring fruits (strawberries, pears, citrus, apples, etc.). Make a nice smoothie or orange juice and decorate the table as you did with the altar.

  • Connect with nature through a walk amidst greenery or by hugging a tree, enjoying the therapeutic sensation it brings.

  • Plan actions for new projects to undertake.

  • Balance and harmonize the masculine and feminine energies that are part of your personality.

  • Cultivate creativity by painting vibrant landscapes, perhaps with flowers.

  • Purify the home with dried sage and diffuse rose and citrus oils.

Here's a Favorable Phrase for Spring Based on Your Zodiac Sign


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492869

Revitalized air will bring innovation.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492868

Spring will bring a good dose of serotonin.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492867

Your creativity will shine amidst the flowery fields.


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Embrace sweet idleness and enjoy the days.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492865

Everything is reborn, with your determination stronger than ever.


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Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492863

Clear space in your life, not just at home.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492862

The green of nature invites you to relax.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492861

Embrace new habits and listen to your inner self.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492860

Get ready to reap the fruits of your flowers.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492859

The rebirth you need comes with positive vibrations.


Spring Equinox: How to Make the Most of It According to Your Zodiac Sign An invitation to connection and transformation | Image 492858

Leave the shadows of the past behind and bring light into your life.