WMNS Together, the event dedicated to the future of women
At BASE Milano Saturday, October 5th
September 30th, 2019
A new future created by women for women.
AW Lab and Nike have joined forces to create WMNS Together, a space to give voice to younger girls, to ask them what they want, to share values, ideas and to give them the opportunity to be the protagonists of a cultural change. Following the call to action of last summer, on Saturday, October 5, 2019, at BASE Milano there will be an inclusive happening, "a meeting open to the public that has the specific task of asking the girls of the new generations what is really important for them, understand it, define it and declare it in a manifesto of ideas and concrete objectives".
The topics discussed will be diversity and equality, school, education, sport, art, through talks, stories of personal experiences, images and videos, show cases, labs, concerts, DJ sets and dance sessions. Among the protagonists there will be Sofia Viscardi, writer and youtuber; Rossella Fiamingo, international fencing champion; Greta Tosoni and Greta Elisabetta Vio, founders of the Instagram project Virgin & Martyr; Emma Allegretti, artist and illustrator; Valentina Vernia, dancer; Silvia Violante Rouge and Federica Simoni, photographers; collectives such as EGA, Calcetto Eleganza, Modulo Factory, Virgo, Tutte Collettive.