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How to wear your swimsuit for an evening look

A one-piece, but also a bikini top, is versatile to switch the look from beach to party

Galeotta might have been Carrie Bradshaw when she was on holiday in Sex and the City, in the episodes of the second season, and flew to Los Angeles with her friends. She wore a gold one-piece swimsuit in the hotel pool in the afternoon and in the evening, to attend a movie premiere, she used it as a styling detail, combined with boots and paired with an all-white short jumpsuit. The idea of the then stylist of the series TV, Patricia Field, to suggest that one can be cool on holiday while wearing the swimsuit as the perfect complement to the outfit without necessarily having to go home to change for a sunset drink was brilliant.

How to wear your swimsuit for an evening look A one-piece, but also a bikini top, is versatile to switch the look from beach to party | Image 462304

The celebrities who match bikinis with evening look

Iridescent, studded with crystals or with a hyper-coloured print: the swimming costume is a must-have for days at the beach as well as for evenings in the chicest clubs by the sea. Even Chiara Ferragni likes to show off her bikini bra in the evening and prefers a model with rhinestones, which she combines with a white shirt. But Irina Shayk, Selena Gomez and Izabel Goulart, to name but a few, have also used the same trick to keep their holiday outfits in check. The important thing is not to lose your playful style and indulge in combining a swimsuit, either a one-piece or a bikini, with a pareo skirt or a pair of shorts.

The latest trend, very popular in Saint Tropez, is to wear a completely sheer net dress with a bikini underneath or, for the wildest spirits, even just a slip. (And here the reference could be Dua Lipa, who created a similar siren-like look on the red carpet in Los Angeles for the film Barbie, wearing a net dress by designer Bottega Veneta studded with crystalsElodie, on the other hand, chose a slightly metallic trikini to transition from casual to stage.

Swimsuits to buy for this summer

In short, take inspiration from the celebrities or create your own look: we make it easier for you with a targeted search for the most beautiful swimsuits to wear as tops or bralettes on your summer evenings, whether it's dinner with friends, a date with your man or a night out dancing. The combinations we like best? A long, voluminous pareo or denim skirt, loose-fitting linen trousers or a transparent dress. Or à la Carrie Bradshaw: white shorts and shirt and accessories that match the colours of your costume.