The ultimate guide to the winter closet revamp
And a music playlist to get in the mood
October 26th, 2020
There’s a moment of the year that comes back cyclically: the seasonal closet organization. The winter version of the process may be a true challenge, even for the most-fashion aware people: replacing light fabrics with heavy woven ones, acknowledging the end of the summer season all of a sudden is a true grief sometimes. Add the duty to overcome the process in more than a fortnight and here’s a scary scenario.
But don’t worry: nss G-Club is here to help you transform this task into a self-love practice with a list of tips to reorganize and revamp your wardrobe step-by-step, with a song to play in background to cheer the process up.

Step 0 - Goodbye summer
Winter is year’s longer and darker period, when temperatures can really affect our style. Functionality must drive your wardrobe, so it’s necessary to identify all the too-light-to-be-worn pieces in the wardrobe and put them in transparent boxes, while Beyond the Sea plays in the background.
Step 1 - Get out!
As Mother of Reorganizational Methods Marie Kondo taught the world, every closet reorganization starts with chaos: let the big bang of your winter clothes explode in your room, and place them in order to have a full vision of all things you own. A sweet but cheery song like Holy by Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper will follow you through the task.
Step 2 - Strike a pose
Do you fell uncertain when looking at your wardrobe? If the answer is positive, that’s because you don’t know what you own. Try on all the pieces, especially the ones you don’t remember the fit. Only doing so you’ll be able to keep, throw or reinvent the stuff you have. Focus on how you like a piece, how does it fit and if it’s coherent with your style. This process might take a little, so why don’t make it fun turning it into a home-photoshoot? We’d love to see your pics, tag #nssgclubclosetrevamp to be featured. Doja Cat ft. Tyga’s Juicy will help you serving some bomb poses for the perfect mirror selfie.
Step 3 - Less is more
If you’ve not worn that acid green wool dress bought during 2018’s Black Friday sale, it’s definitely time to throw it away, together with all the stuff that’s not in good condition. Some say that with less (but better) pieces, dressing up is easier: American Instagrammer and writer Courtney Carver launched a global challenge to “survive” the winter with a capsule wardrobe made of 33 pieces only with her @project333 IG profile. There’s only a song to help you pick what to get free of, and that is Thank u, next by Ariana Grande.
Step 4 - What goes around comes around
What if what doesn’t serve you anymore might make someone else happy? Clothes, accessories and any other kind of wearable item can be sold on second-hand platforms like Vestiaire Collective, Depop, Armadio Verde and on IG too, provided that they are in good conditions (and we know you have full unworn fits with price tag on) and they aren’t your exes. We still don’t know an app for it, apologies.
Step - 5 La virtù sta nel mezzo
At this point the remaining clothes have to be divided by category and then organized in basics and essentials (outfit foundations and trendy pieces in brief). This is a central moment in the process to create a balance between function and your personal style, to ease things up when it comes to outfit creations. Easy by Danielle Leigh ft. Chris Brown will help you picture the feeling.
Step 6 - Everything has its own place
Stock clothes in the most suitable way for them, not for you. Mind fabric and composition. Long and rigid garments such as wool coats, patterned jackets and scarves must be hanged in order to keep their shape. The opposite must be done with elastic and soft fabrics such as sweaters, hoodies, cardigans and pullover ones: fold them and make them compact in a drawer and no one will be hurt. Not even you. We’re about to finish so why don’t boost our “Motivation” with Normani?
Step 7 - Visual order
Neutrals to the left, crazy patterns to the right, colors in the middle. Ordering and dividing clothes with a visual order will create an immediate aesthetic effect that will boost your mood while dressing up. You can even move shelves in order to give a definite wardrobe makeover. The most daring organizers will go for chromatic scale organization. It’s not necessary but super beautiful. If you can’t think about a goal outcome, look for it on social medias or create your own vision board to have a guide. Now that the organization is done, is time to celebrate Freedom with Beyoncè and Kendrick Lamar.