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What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year?

Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year

Another year is almost over, the temperatures have dropped and a few Christmas lights have appeared on the city streets. What do the tarot cards have in store for us in the final months of this year? In this article, we'll see it together, sign by sign.

Tarot and astrology

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476920

The connections between tarot and astrology are manifold, although they are two seemingly very different systems: one with arcana, numbers and cards, the other with the movement of the planets in relation to the earth. Just as the alphabet in the Italian language consists of 5 vowels and 16 consonants, the alphabet of astrology is made up of 12 signs of the zodiac and 10 planets, and the alphabet of Tarot consists of 22 major and 56 minor arcana. The letters of the alphabet combine with each other to form words, then sentences and finally increasingly complex periods. In the same way, the planets and signs of the zodiac in the astral cards and the Major and Minor Arcana on the table combine during the 'game" to create meaning for the counsellor. Although, as we have just seen, they use two completely different languages, astrology and cartomancy always refer to the same thing: they want to know and analyse the future of those who turn to them. I am very curious to analyse these two oracular systems and make connections between them, to compare these two languages that are so apparently different and extremely complex, and in this article I have summarised an interpretation for each zodiac sign for the coming months of the year.

Aries: The nameless arcanum or death

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476929

For you, young Aries, one of the cards I have drawn is the Nameless Arcanum or Death, which is a complex card but always signifies a transition, to or from something: it could be that you are ending something important, it could be that you need to go somewhere else. In November and December you should embrace change and follow your instincts, even at the expense of friends or family who may advise you to go in the opposite direction. The card of the Unnamed Arcanum is followed by the card of the Page of Wands: there is something positive about the change that is coming. I know that change is often unpleasant, even risky, but I have a feeling that this change in particular will make you feel extremely light.

Taurus: Ten of Cups

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476921

During these months, it will be difficult for you to realise your wishes. You are stuck in a kind of 'loss energy', or rather, it seems to me that you are anchored in your past. You regret something, maybe even something you've lost, but it's important that you try to distance yourself from it as much as possible, Taurus. Detach from this energy of disappointment, it is an energy of loss, because in reality the Ten of Cups is telling us that there is the potential to achieve maximum fulfilment, but if you remain stubbornly anchored in the past, it will be very difficult to get closer to what you so desire.

Gemini: Queen of Swords and the Fool

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476944

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476928

There's a message about starting over, about putting yourself on the line. It's as if a very important but cheerful, idyllic phase has come to an end and now something else is beginning. Not necessarily in a negative way, mind you! It's just more complex. Perhaps with some obstacles. Some of you may feel that you have 'wasted' a lot of energy and invested a lot in something that you thought was special, even idyllic, but then turned out not to be. Don't beat yourself up! No energy, if it is positive, is ever wasted. And then there's the Fool's card to show you the way: You can make a fresh start and have all the energy you need to make it happen.

Cancer: the chariot

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476926

There is a need for clarity. Clarity of purpose, clarity of desire. In this reading, the card Chariot came up, a very powerful card that tells you to get on the chariot and give your life direction. Something changes on an existential level. It's as if you see an opportunity around the next corner. The arcana of justice and temperance that appear in this reading tell you that these are months of change, but be careful! With Justice, you will need to be very active: If you have a sense of an opportunity, be intuitive! Seize that opportunity vigorously. Don't wait for things to 'fall from the sky': you absolutely must take the reins of your life into your own hands.

Leo: The world and the Two of Cups

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476924
What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476925

There will be an important meeting. Generally, it will be a time when you meet many new people, but it will be an important one among them. Attention! I am not necessarily talking about a love encounter, but rather a meeting with a kindred soul. This meeting will make you more solid, balanced and grounded. This person will awaken your wandering, curious side, they will also bring peace to certain areas of your life because they will offer you a solution or at least something that will untie your knots. This person is destined to be in your future for a long time. Take care of them.

Virgo: Seven of Swords and the Emperor

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476923

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476927

There will be an obstacle, but also a change of direction: you set out to do something, you may feel that this something is going nowhere, or rather, not where you wanted it to go, and then you change direction. It is the Seven of Swords that guides us in this reading, and the card The Emperor. The Emperor is a card that tells you exactly to set healthy boundaries and create a strong structure, so you need to think about how you're going to make that change, it needs to be well planned. Seven of Swords: In the beginning it will be stressful and you will have to think a lot to do the right thing, you will have to find the right ways to get things right.

Libra: King of the Cross and Eight and Seven of Deniers

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476932

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476939

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476935

The last months of the year are potentially energising, powerful months, months when things can manifest. You can harness the energy of the King of Spikes and realise anything you desire. Eight of diamonds and seven of diamonds: These are work cards, cards for those who are committed, who pay attention to detail and work to get things done. So be active, be energetic, be courageous. However, it is up to you to understand what you need and then act accordingly.

Scorpio: Ace and Queen of Swords

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476934


Preserve your energy. It is important that in these last months of the year you maintain a state of inner peace and preserve your energies without letting others influence you, without letting other people 'take' these energies away from you. Something is waiting for you later that will need them all! Ace of Swords and Queen of Swords: These months will be a challenge for you as you need to clarify your dreams and desires. You need peace and quiet to give your mind a break. You need a break from useless thoughts, from heavy thoughts, from anything that doesn't give you security.

Sagittarius: The Empress and the Magician



Flexibility, awareness and courage. These are just your three words of the month. These will be months that require courage. You may feel a little down, you may have superfluous, negative thoughts and these will inevitably pull you back. You need to be aware of this and be courageous. The creative potential is there, as the Empress and Magician cards are in front of me, but your mind is working against you. You need to be strong to take new initiatives and energetic to realise new ideas.

Capricorn: the Magician, the Four of Swords, the Sun


What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476933

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476936

Dear Capricorn, now is the time to manifest. It's important that you figure out how to turn an idea or goal into a reality in these last few months of the year. Of course, this is all so that what you have in mind can be realised on a real level. During these months, you could start something new, be it in your career, on an emotional level or even just in a relationship. I'll also give you some advice: before you go to sleep, close your eyes and imagine a kind of board of realisation. I explain it like this: every night before you go to sleep, imagine what you would like to have. If you visualise a situation realistically, it will be imprinted in your subconscious while you sleep and you will see that you will somehow manage to attract it.

Aquarius: Ace of Swords with Queen of Wands underneath

What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476946
What do the tarot cards say for the last months of the year? Astral perspectives: Tarot predictions for a successful end to the year | Image 476941

You have a clear mind, you have a clarity of mind, a clarity of thought that you must trust implicitly. Trust your intuitions, your ideas are powerful, they can also be realised, and you will also receive the right confirmations from your fellow human beings. You may come up against a few small obstacles, but even in this case, trust your intuition to help you overcome them. You will see that it will not disappoint you.

Pisces: side of the deniers


You have the potential for many things. In these last months of the year, there is the potential to do anything, because we have a side of Deniers in the middle. I'm talking about practical projects: There's the chance to get jobs, there's the chance to get projects off the ground and for creative people to get a different kind of visibility. Be open to new opportunities, start new things, be proactive.