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Sea Moss Gel: Is it really as miraculous as they say?

Let's discover the properties and benefits of Irish seaweed

Sea Moss Gel: Is it really as miraculous as they say? Let's discover the properties and benefits of Irish seaweed

If you've spent even just five minutes on TikTok in recent months, you've probably come across the famous sea moss gel. This superfood has become a major trend, thanks to the health benefits shared by influencers and wellness enthusiasts. But is it really as miraculous as they say?

What is sea moss gel?

@gstatus8522 I went in wayyyyyy too confident #seamossgel #reaction SZA Never Lose Me VERSE - SZA Global
@georgianingg The health benefits are insane

If you’ve been here for a while you know I swear by my seamoss

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss, is a red algae that grows in cold marine environments, including the coasts of Ireland and some areas of the North Atlantic. The variety commonly used for the gel is called Chondrus crispus. After being harvested, the algae is dried and then turned into a gel that retains all its beneficial properties, making it a natural source of over 90 essential minerals, including iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc, all of which are crucial for our body’s wellbeing.

How to Incorporate It into Your Beauty Routine

@theelectrictribe One of the most versatile foods in the world. I’m using Organic Irish Sea Moss (Chondrus Crispus). Wild-crafted & hand picked by 5th generation seaweed farmers. Link in bio! #seamoss #plantbased #preworkworkout #foryou Be Healthy - dead prez
@maayaannnn HEALTHY SEA MOSS GUMMIES Full recipe Do you struggle with bloating and gut issues? I got you

Sea moss is available in various forms: gel, capsules, or powder, but it can also be consumed raw. Since its taste isn’t the best, it is usually added to smoothies, juices, yogurt, or soups to mask the flavor. The more daring people, however, take it straight from the spoon, perhaps on an empty stomach, to make the most of its beneficial properties. Some people prefer to make their own sea moss gel at home by purchasing dehydrated sea moss. To do this, they soak it in water for about 48 hours until it rehydrates completely. Once ready, they blend it until it forms a jelly-like consistency, ready to use.

The Benefits of sea moss gel

@elenamiaou all the girlies are taking sea moss so I have to try it #clearskintips #guthealth #seamoss #glassskin Apple - Charli xcx

So, what’s really behind all this hype? Sea Moss Gel is rich in vitamins and essential minerals (like vitamin C, calcium, and zinc), which are great for boosting the body’s natural defenses. So, it might help keep you from getting sick during the cold season. Being high in fiber, it can aid in digestion and contains gelatin and collagen, which are great for joint and tissue health — plus, it’s a plant-based alternative. The B vitamins in sea moss gel can help fight fatigue and keep energy levels up. Perfect for when you need a boost to get through the day. But one of the main reasons TikTok loves it is for its hydrating and soothing properties. If you suffer from acne, eczema, or dry skin, it could become your new ally for healthier, glowing skin.

But Does It Really Work?


Avrai già sentito parlare della SEA MOSS e se ancora non ne hai avuto l’occasione, te ne parlo io. E’ una purea di alghe rosse, ricco di nutrienti e proprietà. Tra questi minerali (Iodio, Zinco, Ferro, Potassio, Calcio…), vitamine (B, C, K…), proteine e fibre igroscopiche, cioè in grado di assorbire acqua. Tra queste proteine ben nota è la CARRAGENINA. I preparati alimentari di Sea Moss sono spesso principalmente a base di ‘chodrus crispus’ o di ‘euchema cottonii’, noti per l’alto contenuto di carragenina.

@crawford_wellness #seamoss #seamossgel #seamossbenefits this trend smells off to me #heavymetals #carageenan #goop original sound - Crawford Wellness

Are all these benefits really as amazing as they seem? In general, yes, but you shouldn’t overdo it, or at least consume it with caution. As Dr. Michelle Sciarra explains, sea moss contains carrageenan, an additive actually found in many foods like cream, soups, ice cream, and more. So, it's not exactly a new thing; it can work, especially when combined with other types of algae that may complement its benefits, but don’t expect miracles. It’s a healthy addition to your daily routine, but it’s not a solution for every problem.