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How to wear wide-leg trousers this spring

A trend that crosses eras, styles and seasons is at the first place in our current shopping list

How to wear wide-leg trousers this spring A trend that crosses eras, styles and seasons is at the first place in our current shopping list

Wide-leg trousers are the one true must-have for spring/summer 2022. They are cool, comfortable, versatile and even refined, so much so that, in different cuts and details, they have been worn and loved by every true it-girl through the ages. Old Hollywood icons such as Katherine Hepburn and Lauren Bacall chose them not only for their comfort, but as a gesture of rebellion and empowerment; the women of the hippie movement preferred them fluid, colorful and made special by DIY prints; for Meg Ryan and Demi Moore it was a sort of statement that served to affirm their talent and intelligence in a star system that saw them only as sex symbols;  for Diane Keaton, who with Annie Hall made them hyper-cool, they are an everyday uniform, a bit like what they have become in recent years for Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes; while Victoria Beckham has a soft spot for flared ones, preferably with a front slit option that discreetly reveals the ankle, foot or shoe. 

What makes them so irresistible? Their greatest asset is their ability to adapt to different styles and outfits. They look great under a trench coat as worn by Camille Charriere or with an oversized blazer as worn by Hailey Bieber and Emrata, with a simple white tank top, a bodysuit or corset as worn by Dua Lipa, with a micro pullover as worn by Miu Miu or, as worn by Kendall Jenner, with either a male shirt or a granny waistcoat.  

The most coveted models in the category, the ones that all fashion addicts from Kendall Jenner onwards would like to have in their wardrobe, are the Igor pant by The Row and Gelso or Bea by The Frankie Shop. Whether paper bag, palazzo, flared or cargo, our advice is to focus on neutral tones such as white and beige, a choice that will add an essential to your wardrobe that you will be able to wear from morning to night, in the office or at dinner with friends. For a wow effect, it's best to opt for a sparkling fabric covered in sequins and crystals, while vitaminic colors, from hot pink to green, will give a special twist to power suits and pajama sets, a bit like we've seen in all the major SS22 collections. Remember The Splash, the last Jacquemus show with wide-leg trousers worn at a very low waist and a bikini peeking out? The trend this spring/summer is for low-waisted, full-length trousers, with a soft, unhemmed leg and fluid fabric that falls well below the ankle, resting on the shoes, which in this case are very high sandals or platforms. If you're not crazy about the idea of wearing them this way, the styling hack to steal from the influencers on Instagram is the "candy" effect, i.e. tying the lower end of the trousers at the ankle with a ribbon or shoe strap, so that you can wear wide-leg trousers with ultra-flat sandals and trainers too. 

Here are some wide-leg trouser styles to add to our spring shopping list.

ANNA OCTOBER Melba trousers

ANNA OCTOBER Melba trousers

A.P.C. Tressie Pants

A.P.C. Tressie Pants



DRIES VAN NOTEN Wide-leg cotton trousers

DRIES VAN NOTEN Wide-leg cotton trousers

ACNE STUDIOS Wide-leg trousers

ACNE STUDIOS Wide-leg trousers

CLOSED Wid-leg trousers

CLOSED Wid-leg trousers

COS Belted Paperbag Waist Trousers

COS Belted Paperbag Waist Trousers

MANGO Wideleg pinces trousers

MANGO Wideleg pinces trousers



R13 Yellow Damon Trousers

R13 Yellow Damon Trousers

ALBERTA FERRETTI High-waisted wide-leg trousers

ALBERTA FERRETTI High-waisted wide-leg trousers
