Skin care according to Skin First Cosmetics
Effective results and communication, behind the success of Maria Pia Priore and her brand
February 3rd, 2021
In this last year of uncertainties, many of us rediscovered a new attention to self-care, wellness and skin care. The attention to skincare, to the products that we apply on our skin - and also to the ingredients they contain - today arouses great interest in young people (and not only), increasingly aware of the needs of their skin.
By listening to these needs, Skin First Cosmetics was born, a completely digital cosmetics brand, born from the passion and intuition of Maria Pia Priore, pharmacist and cosmetologist, born in 1992 in San Severo (Puglia) and then moved to Milan.
In fact, it is on Instagram that the brand was born and grows, combining a scientific approach and the passion for functional ingredients with direct and interactive communication: during her studies in Cosmetic Science and Technology in 2018, Maria Pia decided to give life to the Skin format First Project on her personal profile @dott.ssa_mariapiapriore, offering advice on skincare and basic cosmetological notions.
The actual launch of Skin First takes place in June 2019, through the online shop and the Instagram page @skinfirstcosmetics.it, that reached 108K followers in just over a year: the continuous exchange and discussions that arise from the community led the brand to offer today a wide range of products that meet the needs of different types (and problems) of the skin. Skin First is a functional skincare line, Made in Italy and close to people: the attention to their community and the word of mouth, in addition to the actual results, are in fact the greatest success of Skin First.
Maria Pia Priore told nss G-Club curiosities about the brand, her passion for skincare and functional ingredients, also offering advice on the beauty routine, in a mini interview. Enjoy!
1. Hi Maria Pia, tell us about yourself and how Skin First came to life.
I am Maria Pia Priore, born in San Severo (Puglia) in 1992; after graduating in Pharmacy in Parma, in November 2017 I started the master in Cosmetic Science and Technology (COSMAST). I have always had a strong and great passion for everything related to beauty and skincare, and from this deep interest Skin First was born in June 2019, with the first 4 references. In addition to passion, Skin First was born from an intuition: through the Instagram Skin First Project column launched at the end of 2018, during the first year of the master, I was able to understand people's needs, and the need for a functional skincare line, made in Italy and close to people, who listened to their needs. Thanks to the comments, messages and feedback from the community, the new products and formulations of Skin First are born.
2. What are the main needs of the community, and consequently Skin First's best-selling products?
The main needs certainly concern the treatment of oily, acne-prone skin: skin problems that can also be caused by stress, use of face masks, and in this period it is therefore a trending topic; in second place are the needs regarding dry skin and wrinkles. Whatever the needs, I propose products to obtain concrete results: the advice is to use specific products, with certain functional ingredients that have a particular mechanism of action. My background and scientific approach lead me to focus on the problem to be solved based on scientific literature.
A best seller is the Perfezionatore Cutaneo,, followed by everything that falls into the "purifying" category (like Niacinamide Booster, Purifying Face Cream, Purifying Face Mask, Delicate Face Cleanser); satisfied customers then often gift the anti-age cream to their mothers, so this product is also a great success!
3. What are the steps that should never miss in a beauty routine?
First of all, never forget cleansing: it is the most underestimated step but the most important, as it helps to prevent and counter impurities, giving a luminous and radiant skin, and allowing greater absorption of the functional substances applied subsequently; but also hydration, which is the prerequisite for healthy skin, and applies to any type of skin; then exfoliation, mainly the chemical one: mechanical exfoliation offers an immediate result, the chemical one instead a lasting and concrete result over time, stimulating skin regeneration. Finally, never forget sunscreen (SPF) to prevent UV damage, especially for the prevention of skin cancers and blemishes. Even in winter, without direct sun, it is good to check the UV index (UV rays hazard index) and always use sunscreen.
4. How to find the right products according to our skin type?
It is good to first really understand what your skin type and needs are; then, research which functional substances are suitable for your skin type: today even on Instagram you can find the information of science communicators, always paying attention to sources; finally, understand the product description well, what it is for, what it contains, without being influenced by current trends. The final answer comes from your skin: by testing the products you understand which ones are most suitable, the important thing is to have perseverance and patience (at least two months of use).
5. What are in your opinion the habits that can help improve your skin, combined with the use of specific cosmetics?
It is certainly helpful to control stress and sleep well, at least 8 hours a night; then do not smoke and do physical activity which helps to expel toxins that lead to the accumulation of free radicals and cause wrinkles; nutrition, healthy habits in general and the use of sunscreen (always!) are also fundamental. Instead, we must pay close attention to the "do it yourself" remedies, some can even be harmful to our skin!