In 2025 according to numerology
What to expect from the next year?
December 30th, 2024
Before diving into bold predictions for the upcoming year—or depending on when you’re reading this, the year that has just begun—let’s start with the basics: do you know what numerology is? In everyday language, numerology refers to the branch of esotericism that explores and considers numbers not merely as pure mathematical entities but as bearers of symbolic meanings linked to nature and humanity. It was highly popular in ancient times, especially among philosophers and thinkers of the Pythagorean school. Unlike numerical symbolism or arithmology, numerology stands out as a complex cultural system, often used for divination. And here we are, ready to divine.
2025 in Numerology: The Meaning of Number 9
What will 2025 be like? Perhaps numbers, together with astrology, can help us understand it better. According to this discipline, 2025 reduces to the number 9, the sum of its individual digits: 2 + 0 + 2 + 5. The number 9 carries specific meanings. For instance, it symbolizes completion and transformation, marking the end of a cycle and a time for reflection, closure, and preparation for new beginnings. It also invites us to let go of old patterns of thought and behavior to embrace one—or many—new possibilities.
@cosmicqueenhq The Astrology of 2025 is WILD. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to uplevel your personal power and get into alignment in your life. In this video i take you through 5 major Astrology dates for the year that you should know about. These planets are not playing around! If you want to prepare for the Astrology of 2025 and know exactly what major themes, dates, numerology, astro and Human Design were working with in the new year, then come to our 1st annual Cosmic Queen 2025 Astrology Forecast Event! Its all happening Dec 18 and you will get the replay. in my profile. See you there!
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What Can We Expect from the New Year?
Additionally, the energy of number 9 is associated with compassion and altruism, with an emphasis on collective well-being. It encourages both individuals and society to prioritize community, acts of solidarity, and charity. Lastly, this number fosters spiritual growth, artistic expression, and the realization of our inner and emotional truths. It’s time to apply the lessons learned in the past, especially over the last eight years. The keywords for 2025 will therefore be change and personal growth.