2025 according to tarot cards
An end-of-year reading
December 31st, 2024
New Year’s Eve is approaching, marking one of the busiest times of the year. Between Christmas preparations, organizing dinners with friends, and lunches with family, there’s hardly any time to pause for a moment to reflect and think. We are about to step into a year whose number might evoke a touch of fascination even in the most indifferent: 2025. In other words, we stand at the dawn of a quarter-century into the 2000s. Many, myself included, feel inspired to write lists of New Year’s resolutions, promises, and goals for the coming year, associating them with a sense of a fresh start filled with hope and positivity.
What do the tarot cards say about 2025?
I decided to draw three cards to see what the Major Arcana reveal about the future. As I always like to emphasize, this is a collective reading, so take it as meaningful only if it resonates with you, only if it feels in some way relevant to your life.
The Wheel of Fortune, Arcana X
The tenth card of the Marseille Tarot, The Wheel is a complex and unique card. It represents the concept of infinity, infinite life cycles repeating, like the seasons, and evolution. The analogy of the seasons is an excellent one: the Wheel teaches and explains that every phase of our life has a beginning and an end, much like winter, long and dark, which eventually gives way to spring. It’s a way of saying: everything comes to an end, flowers will bloom again. The Wheel, drawn at the start of a reading, could signify that a phase in your life has ended, and another is slowly beginning.
Justice, Arcana VIII
The Wheel is immediately followed by the Justice Arcana. The presence of this second card suggests that the evolution you will experience is not fleeting but will materialize and take form. Be aware of your worth. Justice’s sword is like a clear path opening toward change, cutting through whatever previously held you back. It could even – why not – symbolize a clean break from a past that may have been harmful, toxic, or oppressive. The crank on the Wheel of Fortune is contrasted by Justice’s sword: the transition from old to new seems to happen through a decisive cut. It’s not gradual; it’s sharp and definitive.
The World, Arcana XXI
The meaning and connotation of this Arcana are profoundly positive. Changes often bring a great deal of fear and anxiety, but there’s no need to worry if this card is before you now. New opportunities will come, and above all, a peaceful period awaits. You’ve made many efforts and sacrifices over the years, but now it’s time to enjoy the rewards and, most importantly, to reap what you’ve sown over the years.