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Millie Bobby Brown wants to play Britney Spears

The actress dreams of bringing the pop star's life to the screen in a biopic

Millie Bobby Brown wants to play Britney Spears The actress dreams of bringing the pop star's life to the screen in a biopic

These days she is in the top 10 most watched movies on Netflix with Enola Holmes 2, but Millie Bobby Brown is already looking to the future and her next project. A guest on the talk show hosted by Drew Barrymore, the young actress revealed that she has a dream in her drawer: to play Britney Spears in a biopic. 

"I want to play a real person and I think for me...[It] would be Britney Spears. I think her story, first of all, resonates with me growing up in the public eye. Watching her videos, watching interviews of her when she was younger. Same thing with you; I see the scramble for words [in the interviews] [...] I think her story is similar to mine, growing up in the public eye. II don’t know her but when I look at pictures of her, I feel like I could tell her story in the right way and hers only."

Said Millie. Spears was not slow to make her opinion known on the matter and commented indirectly, and in a decidedly unenthusiastic way, writing in an Instagram post, "I hear about people wanting to do movies about my life … dude I’m not dead!".

Eleven explained that she would be the perfect choice for the role because she shares the same artistic path as the Toxic star. Both became celebrities at a young age, were exposed to media judgment, and early on sexualized. Brown has been in the star system since she was only nine years old. She started working on Stranger Things when she was 12, and planetary fame was almost immediate. Similarly, Spears was cast by The Mickey Mouse Club when she was only 11 years old and her career began from there landing her many hits, but also many down moments. Although this is a long shot because no Britney biopic is currently being made, the singer's troubled story would lend itself well to a film adaptation. The elements are all there: the journey as a baby star, the hits, the relationship with Justin Timberlake, the conflicted relationship with her body, fame and family, the nervous breakdown that resulted in her departure from the public scene and her father's long conservatorship, all the way to the #freebritney movement and her latest wedding.

Millie has previously expressed a desire to play another troubled singer, Amy Winehouse, now she is talking about Britney Spears, do you want to see her in which role would you see her best?