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Transits and movements: what's in store for October 20?

Month-end transits just in time for Halloween

Transits and movements: what's in store for October 20? Month-end transits just in time for Halloween

Transits are ready to welcome new energies, both princely and witchy. It's no coincidence that we're approaching Halloween, and the movements in the sky from October 20 onwards are 100% representative of the spooky season. It's a period of transformation, marked by the transits entering Scorpio, like Mars, which has been in its domicile under this sign for a week now. It's time to embrace and welcome the energies of this sign, and more...

Key Dates in Late October

Transits and movements: what's in store for October 20? Month-end transits just in time for Halloween | Image 473528

October 20, Mercury conjunct the Sun: This movement occurs in the final degrees of Libra and can give birth to new creative ideas and a strong intellectual vivacity that connects us with others. Even though this may lead us to focus too much on ourselves, Libra brings in diplomacy and a desire for sharing. Communication is the foundation of relationships, so if there have been misunderstandings or misinterpretations recently, talking to the other person will bring clarity.

October 22, Mercury enters Scorpio: This transit emphasizes the need to delve deeply into things and discover the truth. Intuition, intellect, and communication become more analytical. There's an increased interest in the study of the psyche and a strong empathic sense that deeply connects us with those around us. Observe and listen to your intuition... it never lies!

Scorpio Calls for Rebirth

Transits and movements: what's in store for October 20? Month-end transits just in time for Halloween | Image 473525

October 23, Scorpio Season: A slightly eerie spooky season officially begins, as Scorpio is connected to the underworld and the occult. These days fuel a strong magnetic attraction towards esotericism and mystery. It's the time to explore and get to know what usually remains hidden. This season always brings some transformation... let go of what's toxic to be reborn.

October 28, Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: It's time to say goodbye. This will be the last eclipse (for quite some time) on the Taurus - Scorpio axis, which began in the fall of 2021. Lunar energy will be heightened during this phase, and the atmosphere around us may feel chaotic. The main rule is not to force anything; we must go with the flow, as changes will be inevitable. This eclipse closure will help determine our true values. Advice: leave the past behind and embrace a new version of your life.

Transits and movements: what's in store for October 20? Month-end transits just in time for Halloween | Image 473524

October 29, Mercury conjunct Mars: This aspect occurs under the sign of Scorpio, known for never stopping when it sets clear goals. Energies are all concentrated in thought and the mind, resulting in a strong intellectual charge. There's a strong conviction in one's opinions, and passionate competitions or discussions can arise. Be careful not to dominate with sharp words.