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It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store

Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October

It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October

Astrologically speaking, this summer was a doozy. We went through a very long and trying Venus retrograde, which led straight into Mercury retrograde, along with a summer of intense new moons and full moons; and now, right when you think there’s going to be some respite, we’ve got eclipse season. The universe just doesn’t want us to have a break this year. 

What does the eclipse season entail?

Eclipse season, if you don’t know, is a time of realignment. Eclipses are supposed to bring to light decisions, changes, or opportunities that can put you on track. In other words, eclipses are catalysts to your destiny. On Friday, October 14th, and Saturday, October 28th, we have two different eclipses. On the 14th, there’s a solar eclipse in Libra, and on the 28th, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus. These two different eclipses come with very different energies. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, this is why. But before we get too carried away, in order to understand this month’s eclipses, we have to think back to the eclipses that happened at the end of 2021. 

It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October | Image 472675

Here is a great roadmap from Daniella Karpenos, Founder of Cosmic Latte, an online community that offers moonscopes and personal astrological readings: As you can see from Daniela’s roadmap, the Aries-Libra eclipses we’re about to have are connected to the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses we had back in 2021. Think back to that time; what was happening in your life? What “story” was unfolding? Now, think back to earlier this year; what new “story” popped up, and how do the two relate?

The solar eclipse of 14th October in Libra

It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October | Image 472674

The universe has been building up to these eclipses for a long time, and with the solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th, there’s a moment of release. For this first eclipse, we’re called to evaluate what’s going on in our lives and find balance by setting intentional boundaries. Libra is known as the “peacekeeping” sign that loves order and balance. Still, in order to achieve that, we have to identify areas of our lives where balance is needed and then work to actively set boundaries in those areas so we’re not taken advantage of. Specifically, this solar eclipse is forcing us to take a hard look at our relationships – which relationships aren’t serving you anymore? 

Main takeaway: Dig deep and set your boundaries, even if that means cutting out people who aren’t pushing you to be your best self. 

The lunar eclipse of 28th October in Taurus

It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October | Image 472710

At the end of the month, we have a lunar eclipse in Taurus. This is the final eclipse in this two-year-long eclipse season – well done, you’ve made it! This eclipse should be the final chapter of the two “stories” that popped up in the past two years. Consider this a time of release, ending, and realignment. The theme of this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is identifying where you’re lacking abundance in your life. It’s a time to pinpoint exactly where you have more room to grow and where you want to foster your energy moving forward.

Main takeaway: This eclipse is much more positive; consider it an opportunity to highlight areas where you still have room to grow, think about your future, and manifest your ideal life.

It’s eclipse season! Here’s what’s in store Guide to dealing with the solar and lunar eclipse in October | Image 472673

We’ve made it through a very energetically tumultuous summer, and once these eclipses have passed, we’re headed straight into Scorpio season. Just remember to be intentional this eclipse season. Don’t shy away from uncomfortable thoughts or feelings – the universe might be trying to tell you something.

Ami Artiz is an astrology enthusiast but not a certified astrologer. We recommend consulting a professional for personal advice on astrology.