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Will we ever be able to stop objectifying Sydney Sweeney?

From Saturday Night Live to Twitter, the actress has no peace

Will we ever be able to stop objectifying Sydney Sweeney? From Saturday Night Live to Twitter, the actress has no peace

Sydney Sweeney is undeniably beautiful. She embodies a traditional beauty that appeals to men envisioning a family with blonde, blue-eyed American women who will give them children as white as milk. Sydney Sweeney is voluptuous, fitting perfectly into Western standards, and has no qualms about baring it all for her projects - rising to international fame with Euphoria, the romantic comedy she stars in, Anyone But You, garnered a success some would call astonishing - and she knows exactly how to play with sensuality. Hence, she will forever be objectified, even by shows that boast being progressive.

Sydney Sweeney on Saturday Night Live

The 1997-born actress was one of the hosts of Saturday Night Live, which prides itself on having a team of brilliant writers who are in tune with the times, drawing inspiration not only from their guests' characters but also from US and international current affairs. However, almost everything written for her fell into stereotypes. Stereotypes of the sexy and dumb blonde, stereotypes of the pretty, lively girl who only has male fans. Some examples? The sketch in which the actress plays a Hooters waitress - a US restaurant chain where workers are required to wear revealing uniforms and whose name echoes a slang term for female breasts - and is surprised that, despite her incompetence, tips still pour in. We wonder why. This isn't the first time. When Dakota Johnson hosted SNL, the joke was similar, albeit less blatant. "In this movie, it's me and Sydney Sweeney," the actress said, "it's almost as if Artificial Intelligence generated your boyfriends' favorite film."

The Problem with This Kind of Comedy

Evidently, we have to reiterate once again that this kind of comedy - which traps women in misogynistic, sexist, and patriarchal ideas not only about their bodies but also about their minds - is outdated and harmful, and gives a nod to types of men far worse than SNL writers, who then take to social media to talk about Sydney Sweeney and other women in much worse tones: it's the pack mentality. For a group of male writers to still and only write this type of joke for the women they work with is disheartening and lazy, a betrayal of the concept of entertainment that marks (as if there were any doubts) quite definitively the period of decline of one of the pillars of American television. It's a shame that, with their downfall, they don't also take certain ideas and communication styles with them.


she’s getting closer!

@syds_garage honestly call me a painter now too #TikTokCars #bronco Fast - Sueco the Child

Sydney Sweeney is Much More

Sydney Sweeney doesn't need defending, but we want to do it anyway. Not necessarily just for her, but especially for other women who - although also very beautiful, kind, and smiling, as if it were a problem - have something to say, passions that go beyond their work or show themselves to be very sharp even from a business and work standpoint, and who have to fight twice as hard to be heard by powerful men who just can't see past the cleavage. The Euphoria actress, for example, loves restoring vintage cars, and until recently, she maintained a dedicated profile showcasing all her work in the garage. Furthermore, she dedicated herself wholeheartedly to a project she believed in: that of Immaculate, a horror film set to be released at the end of March and which had been abandoned before Sweeney took hold of the script, selling it to Neon and deciding to produce it. Not bad, huh?

Sydney Sweeney's Response to Carol Baum

Now, to top it off, even the producer Carol Baum has voiced her opinion on her, stating: "I wanted to understand who she was and why everyone was talking about her. I watched this unwatchable movie, a romantic comedy where the protagonists hate each other. I don't understand. She's not pretty, she can't act, why is everyone talking about her? I even asked my students to explain it to me." The actress has decided to respond this time, stating through her team: "I find it sad that a woman in a position to share her skills and experience chooses to attack another woman. If this is what she has learned over decades of professional commitment in the film industry and believes it is appropriate to teach this to her students, it is simply shameful. Accusing another woman producer so unfairly speaks volumes about her personality."