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2024 according to numerology

This will be a year of growth, bringing powerful energy and change

2024 according to numerology This will be a year of growth, bringing powerful energy and change

The new year has officially dawned a few days ago and all of us who are trying to predict what will happen to us or how we should move in the coming months have already meticulously checked what the year 2024 will look like for the signs of the zodiac and what the tarot cards say for our future. So if we're looking for answers about what's to come, why not take a look at numerology? Since ancient times, numbers have provided those who believe in them and know how to interpret them with information about the characteristics of each person, future events and even the meaning of life itself. So there is information hidden in 2024 that may prove useful for experiencing the weeks between now and December 2024 with a little less awareness and perhaps less anxiety.

What is numerology?

2024 according to numerology This will be a year of growth, bringing powerful energy and change | Image 482510

Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on our lives. According to numerologists, numbers have a much deeper meaning than just their numerical value. Not only are they a great tool for interpreting karma, but they can also provide information about ourselves and the future to clarify our desires and what we can do to fulfil them. This is why many have been using numerology for centuries to better understand themselves and their life path by recognising the mystical relationships between numbers, letters and patterns. The origins of numerology date back to 569-470 BC, when Pythagoras studied the metaphysics of numbers. The Greek philosopher believed that every number could be reduced to a single digit between one and nine, which, when understood, indicated the spiritual and magical vibrations of the self. Numerology was brought into the modern world by the spiritualist L. Dow Balliett, who wrote several books on the subject in the early 20th century. Also worth mentioning is the Kabbalah, a book of texts that explain Jewish mysticism and thought using the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is strung together (i.e. added together). From the first name, surname and date of birth, we derive the numerology chart, a series of numbers that can evolve and change over time, helping us to know ourselves better, but also to find the path and role in our lives.

2024 is a "universal year" 8

2024 according to numerology This will be a year of growth, bringing powerful energy and change | Image 482509

Each number in numerology has a unique energy and symbolism, influences that show a preview of the themes of the coming year. To find out what the universal year number is, one must add the four digits that make up the number into a single digit. Thus, 2024 is equivalent to an 8 (2+0+2+4). The number 8 is considered auspicious, like the rainbow after a storm that promises a brighter tomorrow. For the Egyptians it was the number of balance and cosmic order, while in ancient Chinese cosmology it denoted the totality of the universe. It also represents an affinity with materialism, power and success. In the tarot, the number 8 is located laterally at the top of the card The Magician, which is the first card of the Major Arcana, and symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities. Astrologically, it is ruled by Saturn, the lord of time and karma. This could mean that those who have acted with perseverance, tenacity and determination will have well-deserved rewards in 2024.

What does 2024 hold for us according to numerology?

2024 according to numerology This will be a year of growth, bringing powerful energy and change | Image 482508

Numerologically, 2024 is related to the number 8, but also to 17 and 26, because they always add up to 8. What does this mean for the new year? It will be a year of growth, powerful energy and change. It encourages us to tidy up, create clarity, let go of baggage and focus only on what feels good and has a real future. Whether it's about work or relationships and love. There will be an energy that inspires everyone to break free from convention, take action and realise their dreams. Many will see that the hard work they have put in during 2023 is bearing fruit and they will fearlessly embrace future change. The year 2024 offers us the potential to realise our wishes and plans with greater ease and enthusiasm. It is the year in which we should show our main character energy and not be shy. The keywords associated with 2024 and the "universal year number" 8 are leadership, power, karma and infinity.