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Is "Twilight" coming back with a TV series?

Rumour has it that Edward and Jacob will return to vie for Bella's love

Is Twilight coming back with a TV series? Rumour has it that Edward and Jacob will return to vie for Bella's love

Hollywood is running out of ideas. If creativity is lacking, why not look to the past and, as happened with fashion, revive the early 2000s? So after Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, Twilight is now set to return to the big screen, but in a TV series version. As The Hollywood Reporter reports, Lionsgate TV, which owns the rights to the franchise, is reportedly planning a reboot of the popular saga inspired by the novels of Stephenie Meyer, and Meyer herself may be involved in some way, perhaps even as a screenwriter.

The project is still in its embryonic stage, so it is not yet tied to a network or platform, and there are no details yet about the cast or plot. Some sources have revealed that Wyck Godfrey and Erik Feig, the former co-chairman of Lionsgate Motion Picture Group, which bought the rights to the Twilight book series after the death of Paramount Pictures, could be involved as executive producers. Everything else is top secret. However, we can forget about seeing Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black again, but it is not impossible that one of the other actors will make a cameo appearance in the series TV. For those who grew up with the love story between the awkward, introverted teenager and the handsome vampire who shines in the sunlight, it's hard to imagine anyone else giving them a face, but it will be interesting to see if the production will choose physically similar protagonists or opt for a different direction, perhaps with a more inclusive cast, as has happened with many reboots.

It is also uncertain whether the plot development will slavishly follow that of the film saga, which has grossed more than $3.3 billion worldwide, or whether it will be reinterpreted, again based on Meyer's novels, perhaps after Life and Death: 2015's Twilight Reimagined, in which the characters of Bella and Edward swap genders, or like 2020's Midnight Sun, which tells the story of the first book from Edward's point of view. We'll have to wait a little longer to find out. In the meantime, we could use the announcement of the series TV to check out all the films in the saga. Are you team Edward or team Jacob?