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Chiara Ferragni and Fedez are coming back to Prime Video with "The Ferragnez 2"

Italy's most famous family will give us new moments from their lives, between work commitments and more private details

Chiara Ferragni and Fedez are coming back to Prime Video with The Ferragnez 2 Italy's most famous family will give us new moments from their lives, between work commitments and more private details

Chiara Ferragni and Fedez renew their partnership with Prime Video and announce the arrival in 2023 of The Ferragnez 2: "Hi guys we have an important announcement to make today, we are filming the second season of The Ferragnez the series, it will air on Prime Video in 2023 and we are sure you will be so excited." The couple let us know with a story on Instagram, sharing with fans their excitement for the new episodes which we imagine will be full of exciting and entertaining content. 

The news of a possible The Ferragnez 2 had actually been in the air for some time and we know that filming has already started a few weeks ago, but what will the new episodes be like? Chiara and Fedez hope that the second season of this series "can be an example to all those who, through therapy, try to improve themselves and their relationship" and emphasize how the show is both a social experiment and television, where they try to tell their most human, as seen in the first season, private and spontaneous aspects, also made of personal weaknesses and challenges.

In the year that has passed since the debut of the non-fiction show about Italy's most famous family, many things have happened, and many more will happen in the coming months: from the illness and operation that Fedez underwent in April to his return as a judge at X Factor 2022, to the rapprochement with J-Ax that led to the Love Mi charity concert; from the couple's participation in the Met Gala to Chiara's many work commitments, who will soon also launch a line of perfumes. Among the moments we hope to see is certainly the digital entrepreneur's adventure at Sanremo 203, where Chiara will make her debut in the unusual role of co-presenter. After a long courtship, highly wanted by Amadeus, Ferragni has accepted to take the stage at the Ariston and show those who do not yet know her talent and irony, qualities that have made her one of the best ambassadors of her country and the most relevant woman in Europe. We are sure that there will also be plenty of scenes dedicated to Leone and Vittoria, always super cute and funny, as there will also be space for the rest of the family, which has become even bigger with the birth of Chiara's first grandchild, Edoardo, son of her sister Francesca.