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vulvodinia neuropatia riconoscimento

vulvodinia neuropatia riconoscimento

For years people have been talking about vulvodynia with anger and resentment: despite the fact that 12-15% of women suffer from the disorder that can also take on disabling nuances, in most cases the disease is underestimated by health care professionals because of its "psychogenic" categorization. But something is finally about to change: on May 3, a bill will be presented to the Chamber of Deputies, aimed at recognizing vulvodynia and pudendal neuropathy as chronic and disabling diseases, and their inclusion in the Essential Levels of Care guaranteed by the National Health Service.

The arrival of the bill in the House is a great achievement, the result of awareness campaigns and social dissemination for the recognition of the disease made on social networks by organizations and victims of the disease who have lived in silence and pain with vulvodynia and endometriosis. Giorgia Soleri has become a national voice in the fight for endometriosis, and has collaborated with the Vulvodynia and Pudendal Neuropathy Committee to tell her story and make all the victims of the disease and ignorance on the subject feel less alone.

Witnessing our pain can not and should not fill the gaps of a state that does not protect us (or does so poorly), but while we fight to see recognized a right enshrined in our constitution (art. 32, right to health) we can really make a difference for someone.

There are hundreds of testimonies of women in Italy have been told by specialists "try to be quieter and be less hypochondriac": suffer from burning and discomfort in the vulvar area, be frequently subject to infection, experience pain during contact activities such as cycling, sports or even during sexual intercourse are alarm bells not to be underestimated, with a solid biological basis and to be associated with pelvic floor disorders, according to AIV Italian Association Vulvodynia, which is committed to research and dissemination of the disease.

The Vulvodynia and Pudendal Neuropathy Committee is the author of the text of the law and represents the associations of patients, as well as the medical staff working on the two diseases in Italy. The Committee not only informs and raises awareness about these issues, but also carries out the work of political advocacy, collecting the various instances from below and bringing them to the attention of the institutions wrote the text of the law. The bill has been presented to the Chamber of Deputies by the Honorable Giuditta Pini and to the Senate of the Republic by Senator Giuseppe Pisani, and has received transversal support from all parliamentary groups, whose representatives will speak during the press conference.

The social campaign to accompany this cathartic moment for the approval of the text of the law focuses on the claim "1 in 7", as the women who suffer from the disease, precisely one in seven on the Italian territory, taking a picture and tagging @vulvodinianeuropathypudendo inserting the text available at this link, to further amplify the news and push public attention to focus on a topic for too long taken under consideration.