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Elliot Page will produce an Italian gender transition documentary

"Nel mio nome" by director Nicolò Bassetti will debut at the next edition of the Berlin International Film Festival

Elliot Page will produce an Italian gender transition documentary Nel mio nome by director Nicolò Bassetti will debut at the next edition of the Berlin International Film Festival

"I felt like a boy. I wanted to be a boy. I would ask my mom if I could be someday."

With these simple and direct words Elliot Page, a worldwide renowned actor and the first transgender to appear on TIME's cover, told the American magazine about his gender transition. The star of The Umbrella Academy, who in recent years has used his fame to fight for trans equality, said that he will produce Nel Mio Nome, the documentary directed by Nicolò Bassetti:

"What stands out to me about Nel Mio Nome is the way it so artfully and intentionally presents all the different pieces that make up a person’s identity. It’s a meditation on trans humanity, and I’ve never seen another film like it. Knowing that Bassetti consulted closely with his trans son throughout production is so beautiful to me, and I think that lived experience and input is clear in the film’s perspective. I’m honored to be on board and can’t wait for everyone to see it."

As Page said, the doc, which will premiere in the Panorama Dokumente category of the Berlin International Film Festival (scheduled for February 10-20), starts from the director's personal experience lived with his son to tell the story of Nic, Leo, Andrea and Raff, four friends who have undertaken at different times the gender transition from female to male identity, finding themselves "boldly facing all the obstacles of a strictly binary world. To achieve a fulfilling and dignified life is a matter of survival." 

Bassetti, who won the Golden Lion at the 2013 Venice Film Festival with the documentary Sacro GRA, expressed his enthusiasm and gratitude for Page's involvement, after emphasizing how important it was to have shared his son Matteo's journey:

"My personal experience as a parent has allowed me, as a director, to find the necessary self-assurance to approach the protagonists of this story, to delve into their emotions, and establish an intimate relationship built on trust and complicity. I am truly grateful to Elliot for adding his lived perspective to help our film find its way in the world."

Following the Berlin debut, we still don't know if and when Nel mio nome will be released in Italy, but we hope to watch it soon.