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Fantabody's new project about Italian creative women

The star of the first episode is the founder of BahamaMama, Gaia Venuti

Fantabody's new project about Italian creative women The star of the first episode is the founder of BahamaMama, Gaia Venuti
Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio
Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio
Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio

Fantabody is not only one of the most interesting brands on the Italian scene. It's not just an original, cool and super inclusive mix of lingerie, swimwear and activewear. It is a true statement of empowerment, dedicated to women who express themselves and their bodies with self-confidence, freedom and personality. The same women who are the protagonists of the new project FantaBody Meets: Celebrating Creative Women Made in Italy

Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio
Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio
Photo by Olimpia Taliani de Marchio

Every two weeks from Wednesday, September 22 on the Instagram account of the brand will be posted a new episode of the format, written and produced by Maddalena Iodice, where each woman will tell about her personal experience, her creative vision, her fears, her dreams, talk about the relationship with her body, what is the meaning of beauty today or the influence of social media. The final result will be a series of portraits of unique and special talents, individuals sharing creativity, determination and self-confidence that, once combined, will reveal the many aspects of contemporary women.

Gaia Venuti, founder of BahamaMama and Gaiahomeproject, will be the first to launch FantaBody Meets, while the protagonists of the next episodes will include the Founder of Mulieris Magazine Greta Futura, the illustrator Costanza Starrabba, the singer-songwriter Arya, the pole dancer Louise Wawrzynska and the fashion editor Thais Montessori Brandao