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How to recreate at home the colour crates

A creative and original idea to recycle fruit crates with a DIY session

How to recreate at home the colour crates A creative and original idea to recycle fruit crates with a DIY session

Since when crates have become essential design item to have at home or in our offices? Since the color crates appeared. These are colorful and perforated plastic boxes, of various sizes, which can be used to contain and organize small objects, toys and stationery. The color crates were created by the Danish design brand Hay, and in a short time they drove crazy not only all those eager to renovate the house but also all those who aim to have a functional, practical but still refined and original furniture. The crates are in fact the typical example of low cost objects but with a certain degree of aesthetic appeal. Thanks to their compact and versatile shape, on social media there are those who use them as a magazine rack, as a container to store fruit and food, beauty products and accessories, or as a bedside table, putting them together and creating interesting color games. 

In the proposed experiment we used simple plastic crates. To find them just go near a local fruit and vegetable market, you’ll find them of all types and sizes. Just choose your favorites, arm yourself with spray paint in the most original colors and start painting them. Here is the step by step guide. 


What you need:

Plastic crates, a cloth or newspaper, colored spray paint.


Start by preparing the work area. Lay the cloth or newspaper on the floor, make sure it is two or three times larger than the crate. Place the cassette on the tarp and clean it thoroughly to avoid any dirt or dust residues. 


Take the spray paint and start spraying in the direction of the cassette. Warning: Before using the spray paint make sure you are in a well-ventilated area and always keep the can in an upright position.


Once finished, let the paint dry for a few hours in the open air. Once dry, take the box and turn it into your perfect piece of furniture.