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All about diy and funky lamps for funny interiors

5 creative recycle ideas and a selection to help you spice up your space

Creative recycling and free time seem to make assonance for mood and timing. In the era of decluttering, family heirlooms and objects of dubious utility often emerge from dusty shelves and remain for too long in that dubious limbo between "throw it or not to throw it" for sentimental value. With a little creativity, bottles, doilies but also hats and even wool or kitchen string can become integral parts of a DIY chandelier. Halfway between an art-attack and an anti waste operation creating DIY lamps with a few tools and necessary elements can be a fun pastime devoted to the practical creation of everyday objects. A perfect way to make productive leisure and home an even more welcoming and 100% personalized place. Here are steps and tips to create beautiful DIY lamps, divided by levels of difficulty and desire to get busy! The method we recommend involves the use of vinyl glue, balloons and a protagonist material of your choice. If creative recycling is not your thing, there's an equally bizarre and unique lamp shopping guide to give an eccentric accent to your living room, waiting for you at the end of the article.


1. DIY twine lamp


  1. Balloon
  2. Vynil Glue
  3. Bowl in Plastic
  4. String
  5. (Tempera colors for decorating)
  6. Applications of your choice


  1. Melt the vinyl glue in warm water thinking intensely to Giovanni Mucciaccia
  2. Soak the string in the mixture of water and glue so that it soaks well
  3. Inflate the balloon and tie the end with a knot Starting from the bottom, unroll the string around the balloon
  4. Leave a space of 4/5 cm and then insert the bulb
  5. Let dry
  6. Break the balloon with a needle or pointed object (or rounded-tip scissors for nostalgics)
  7. Apply the dried composition by inserting the electric wire and fixing with a string
  8. Decorate the result with tempera colors to make it more personalized, remembering that beige is always in fashion
  9. Add decorations to hang to make the chandelier even more cute


 2. DIY lamp with wool


  1. Balloon
  2. Colla Vinilica
  3. Bowl in Plastic
  4. Ball (one or more) of coloured wool
  5. String


Same  as above.

For an epic cottage-core mood choose pastel colors such as yellow, green, lilac, baby pink or even orange, then with applications in wool or plastic and a little 'hot glue you can really create a work of art!


3. Lamp with doilies


  1.  Balloon
  2. Vynil Glue
  3. Bowl in Plastic
  4. Recovered doilies
  5. String


  1. Mixture of water and vinyl glue
  2. Soak the doilies
  3. nflate the balloon
  4. Position and stratify the doilies at will without forming wrinkles
  5. Let dry for 24h
  6. Break the balloon
  7. Apply the lampshade created to the electric wire


5. DIY abat-jour with bottles


  1. Bottle of any size
  2. Tempera colours or applications as desired
  3. Drill with diamond tip
  4. Porta Lampadina
  5. Light bulb
  6. Lampshade


  1. Wash and dry the selected bottle
  2. Decorate it as you like (Or fix the label with transparent nail polish so that it remains intact over time)
  3. Drill the bottom of the bottle with a diamond tip drill (for glass)
  4. Run the wire through the hole up to the neck of the bottle
  5. Connect bulb holder and bulb
  6. Apply the lampshade

The table lamp in the style of NY '20s is ready to accompany your evenings. Those who drink only water have a secret to hide. If the bottle is a raspberry Kombucha one, the bubbles of the holistic ferment will give a lot of positive vibrations to the room.


5. Cool IG lamps

To overcome the lack of dexterity but the abundance of style, here is a selection of extravagant and unique lamps to decorate the living room but also the bedroom with a shred of flair. Vintage ceramic table lamps, plastic materials or colored resin glass are the protagonists of this spring make-over.