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Botanical art: 5 artists to follow on Instagram

To discover real works of art made with flowers and plants

Botanical art: 5 artists to follow on Instagram To discover real works of art made with flowers and plants

The fleeting beauty of flowers makes them special natural elements. Working hard to find harmony in textures, colors and sometimes smells, is the hard but rewarding task of botanical artists. Instagram is full of very interesting proposals on floral arrangements, from the most traditional ones like paper flowers to the most innovative ones that see flowers in space, frozen and hand painted. Here are our favorites to follow right away on Instagram.


Sophie Parker

If you are lucky enough to end up on Sophie Parker's Instagram account, aka @wifenyc, you will find beautiful images in which plants are the protagonists creating unique sculptures, each different from each other, with original colors, shapes and patterns that translate in unpublished picturesque figures.

For this artist, plants become a canvas to paint and create on. With a past as a painter, she opens in 2016 WifeNYC, her shop in downtown New York City with a botanical laboratory, from which she takes the name of the Instagram account. Her work comes to life by painting and creating botanical sculptures, checking every detail to achieve an extraordinary optical effect. Thus each plant becomes a living and unique work of art without losing its natural qualities, and being ephemeral over time makes its beauty even more special.


Clare Celeste

Stretched out on walls, collage installations by artist Clare Celeste reproduce overgrown jungles and whimsical forest scenes. Layers of flora, fauna, gemstones and human beings come to life in Celeste's amorphous paper artwork as they transform spaces into fantastic ecosystems.

She draws inspiration from dreams, which are always linked to her memories with nature. For her works, Celeste draws or photographs some of the botanical elements and then she cuts out the elements and assembles everything into new compositions, sometimes bizarre and surreal. Despite the liveliness of her three-dimensional collages, Celeste uses her works of art to reflect on the ongoing climate crisis and the destruction of biodiversity.


Tiffanie Turner

Artist and architect @tiffanieturner individually cuts thousands of paper segments to create his flower arrangements often up to 1.50 meters wide, works that can take up to 400 hours to complete by hand.

Combining her architectural training with a love of nature, Turner pioneered a seemingly endless number of techniques for creating incredibly realistic flowers from everyday materials. Her works aim to explore the flowering and decay of nature.



Poppykalas is a floral design studio based in Copenhagen. 'Flowers are my way of telling a story, setting a scene, creating emotion, speaking a language beyond spoken or written words. With form, colour, smell and touch I challenge the stage and the interaction in its very own distinctive way and extravagant style.' - says Thilde, Founder & Creative Director of Poppykalas.

Floral compositions, paintings, Secret Garden rugs in collaboration with the Swedish brand Layered, and Flowers for Your Lungs print collection are just some of the highly requested products (also by influencers and IG lovers) of the Swedish design studio.


Azuma Makoto

Azuma Makoto is the Japanese floral artist considered the pioneer of 'botanical sculpture'. His most important works include the Exobiotanica project, when he launched a bonsai into space, and the Iced Flowers series, which sees the life of flowers change after being placed in ice water.

Some argue that he is the Ferran Adrià of floral art and that his studio - perhaps better defined as a laboratory - is where he cultivates the ideas and experiments that have given rise to projects like his In Flowering series, an experimental work that seeks to give new meaning to botany, and to floral compositions in spaces where, a priori, nature cannot live or develop.