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5 exhibitions to discover this weekend in Milan

From the thought on fashion of Memos, to the exhibitions of the famous photographers Ren Hang and Peter Lindbergh

5 exhibitions to discover this weekend in Milan From the thought on fashion of Memos, to the exhibitions of the famous photographers Ren Hang and Peter Lindbergh

The first half of September has passed, Fashion Weeks have started and Milan Fashion Week is just around the corner. This year, however, it will not be the usual hectic time, looking for events, parties and after parties.

So what about taking advantage of this additional free time and explore the city, now that finally shops, movie theaters and museums are open, and there is no lack of interesting places to visit. So nss G-Club made a selection of the 5 must-see exhibitions in Milan for this weekend. Don't forget to book your ticket!



Ren Hang, who passed away in 2017 at the age of 29, is the photographer who best described contemporary Chinese youth, free and honest, far from stereotypes and taboos, through the themes of the relationship between man and nature, relationships, the human body and nude. For the first time in Milan, at Fondazione Sozzani, the exhibition Ren Hang: Photography shows over 80 photographs of the artist, retracing his evolution from the beginning to his popularity.

13 September - 29 November 2020
Fondazione Sozzani
Corso Como 10, Milan


2. MEMOS: About fashion in our millennium - MUSEO POLDI PEZZOLI

The exhibition Memos: A proposito della moda in questo millennio was inaugurated at the Poldi Pezzoli Museum just before the lockdown began, and is now extended until September 28 (there are still a few days left to visit!). Designed and curated by Maria Luisa Frisa - critic and director of the degree course in Fashion Design and Multimedia Arts at the Iuav University of Venice - in collaboration with Camera della Moda, the exhibition is a broad reflection on the very concept of a fashion exhibition, not only as a set of clothes, but as a story of the entire system, in which words and images are equally protagonists. From Gucci by Alessandro Michele, to Prada and Balenciaga, for each item it is crucial to understand the context and the message.

21 February – 29 September 2020
Museo Poldi Pezzoli 
via Manzoni 12, Milan


3. Heimat. A sense of belonging - ARMANI SILOS

Peter Lindbergh needs no introduction. Heimat. A Sense of Belonging presents a wide selection of Lindbergh's work, going through the decades of the photographer's work, and it is personally curated by Giorgio Armani in collaboration with the Peter Lindbergh Foundation. Focused on popular and less known aspects of Lindbergh's work, it develops as a movement in three sections: the photographer's unique point of view, his idea of ​​space and beauty, his unforgettable aesthetics and his sources of inspiration, unveiling in a journey that goes beyond the idea of ​​fashion photography.

22 February 2020 - 10 January 2021
via Bergognone 40, Milan


4. Andando Via. Omaggio a Grazia Deledda - MUDEC

At the Museo delle Culture in Milan, better known as Mudec, just opened the exhibition Andando via. Homage to Grazia Deledda, included in" The talents of women", a cultural schedule of the Municipality of Milan for 2020. Until October 11, you can discover the drawings of Maria Lai, the literature of Grazia Deledda, and the twenty-two tapestries woven by the wise the hands of the weavers of twenty-five Sardinian textile workshops. Along with the tapestries, the exhibition also hosts the portraits of the weavers by the photographer Daniele Brotzu and a documentary of the project by director Francesco Casu.

11 September - 11 October 2020
Mudec - Museo delle Culture
via Tortona 56, Milan


5. Inge Morath. Life. Photography - MUSEO DIOCESANO

A retrospective dedicated to the famous Austrian photographer Inge Morath, the first woman to be welcomed into the agency Magnum Photos. Over 150 original images and documents narrate the human and professional journey of Inge, from her beginnings alongside Ernst Haas and Henri Cartier-Bresson to her collaboration with famous magazines like Picture Post, LIFE, Saturday Evening Post and Vogue. The exhibition itinerary presents some of her most important travel reports, which she prepared with obsessive care, studying the language, traditions and culture of each country she visited.

19 June - 1 November 2020
Museo Diocesano Carlo Maria Martini
piazza Sant’Eustorgio 3, Milan