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nss G-Club officially presents nss Girls Club

A virtual space to share ideas and dreams for the future

nss G-Club officially presents nss Girls Club A virtual space to share ideas and dreams for the future

In such a difficult moment, after more than two months of quarantine, it is essential to remember that despite social distancing and isolation, we are not alone in this situation.

nss Girls Club is the new format of digital meetings for our community, which comes from the need to find a digital space, to meet and confront each other in a moment when we are not able to meet physically. nss G-Club, therefore, wants to create a meeting area, a "virtual house" for girls that allows them to share a moment, a passion, a story.

For each appointment, happening through a virtual platform, there will be different guests and a specific topic for the girls to confront each other in a constructive way by expressing their point of view and telling their personal experiences. The first private appointment will happen this Friday, May 15th and will revolve around a very current topic affecting everyone at the moment, social distancing: emotions, fears and how to deal with it.  

Stay tuned to find out more!