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Angelica Montini Studios: the art of dressing stories, cultures, and unique identities

Interview with the founder who tells us about a brand where fashion, ethics, and individual expression come together in a global celebration of cultures

Angelica Montini Studios: the art of dressing stories, cultures, and unique identities Interview with the founder who tells us about a brand where fashion, ethics, and individual expression come together in a global celebration of cultures

In the world of fashion, few brands manage to convey a story as captivating as Angelica Montini Studios. Behind this signature lies the creative mind of Angelica Montini, a designer whose unique approach is shaped by childhood, where the wardrobe represented a world of possibilities. "Who am I today? I am a constantly evolving creative, eager to express my identity through unique and distinctive pieces. My passion for fashion and anthropology has taken shape in my first collection, launched in February 2023. In that phase, I brought to life three mesh tops, characterized by elaborate prints, the result of a deep immersion in my studies at Marangoni. These pieces are not just garments but true statements that reflect my vision and creativity." Her mission is clear: to create pieces that allow each of us to express our identity, transforming the act of dressing into a true statement.

The brand, described in three words: Distinguished, Theatrical, Rebel. These adjectives are not just labels but describe the philosophy that permeates every creation of Angelica. Her creative process, in contrast to the traditional division of seasonal collections, takes place in drops. This choice allows the designer to focus 100% on a single product, giving it all the attention it deserves, without adhering to strict schedules. "My projects always start from a common starting point, which is the story that fascinates me at that moment. From there, I begin product development and associated research. I present the result as soon as it's ready, without being bound by any predefined calendar."

Inspiration for Angelica Montini Studios' designs emerges from a mix of cultural sources. Books, art, films, photographs, and exhibitions form the basis of her research. Special attention is given to traditional cultures, with a sensitivity that manifests through elaborate prints. "My connection with this theme is deep; at the root of every creation of mine is a fascination for the world and its history. In my inaugural collection, I brought to life prints that embrace different cultures, placing particular emphasis on fully respecting the authenticity of each image, always anchored in its cultural context." Angelica Montini continues: "The choice to use these images on the shirts was not dictated solely by their aesthetics but by a sincere desire to celebrate and pay homage to cultures distant from us. Each product on my site is accompanied by detailed descriptions that narrate the origin and history of the applied prints."

The connection with inspiring cultures does not stop at prints. Angelica Montini wants to go further, collaborating directly with local communities and artisans. "So far, as a brand still in its embryonic phase, I have been personally involved in print development, using photos related to these cultures. However, looking to the future, I can't wait to expand my scope. As soon as I have the opportunity, I sincerely want to collaborate directly with local artisans and artists. I will strive to create deeper and more authentic connections, giving rise to collaborations that go beyond fashion creation but contribute to meaningful cultural dialogue." In an era of globalization and cultural blending, Angelica Montini is not afraid to break free from conventions. Her goal is clear: to celebrate and respect cultures distant from ours, offering a perspective different from conventional fashion. For Angelica, the importance of giving depth to the garment and the image it tells surpasses ephemeral glamour. "I consider it fundamental to celebrate cultures distant from ours, paying them homage and recognizing their value. We are going through a historical period where creatives often hesitate to cross predefined boundaries. Therefore, I am committed to presenting creations with a different narrative from what surrounds us daily. In my work, my intention is not to pursue glamour for its own sake but to give depth to both the garment and the image I want to convey."

The ethics of production and the use of sustainable materials are at the heart of the Angelica Montini Studios process. Limited production, hand-numbered, testifies to the commitment to reduce environmental impact. High-quality materials from the best Italian suppliers highlight the desire to create exceptionally high-quality garments. "For me, environmental impact is an unquestionable priority, which is why I avoid creating massive collections of clothing countless times a year. I opt for the 'drop' production model to limit consumption and reduce material waste. My choice is based on the use of fabrics and materials of the highest quality available on the market, ensuring that even in limited quantities, the garments are of exceptional quality. This commitment goes hand in hand with ethical production, collaborating with the best Italian suppliers."

Encouraging individual expression is the guiding thread of Angelica's creations. "I was struck by a unique experience with a Mongolian girl who caught my attention. After years in the fashion world in Rome, she returned to her native Mongolia. When she contacted me, she shared her joy that someone was finally highlighting her culture through fashion." Stories of people positively affected are evidence of a brand that goes beyond clothing, becoming a means of communication to express one's identity. And it doesn't end here. "The brand has received incredible feedback also in the world of music and among celebrities. From the beginning, my goal has been to allow people to express themselves through my clothes and have fun doing it. It's gratifying to see that this vision has touched such positive chords not only in the fashion industry but also in artistic and entertainment fields."

Looking to the future, Angelica Montini envisions her brand as a complete world. In addition to clothes, she wants to explore new directions, collaborating with design, art, furniture, and much more. A 360-degree creative approach that promises to redefine the concept of fashion. Angelica Montini Studios is more than a brand; it is an experience that blends style, culture, and awareness in an exciting journey into contemporary fashion.