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Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation»

The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club

Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club

In an exciting collaboration with global lifestyle brand UGG, Aleali May is unveiled as the star of a new campaign. This synergy brings an extraordinary combination of style, comfort and innovation to the footwear stage for Autumn Winter 2023 with the highly anticipated UGGextremeTM collection. But who is Aleali May? She is a leading figure in the fashion world, an internationally renowned style consultant, a model and a designer with a career that is a true fusion of inspirations, from streetwear to luxury. To mark the launch of the UGGextremeTM collection, we went on a journey with Aleali through her fascinating career and discovered her unique vision of fashion and design. Aleali May epitomises the essence of this collaboration, combining the Californian lifestyle typical of Ugg with refined elegance. In this interview, we reveal the secrets of her success and her prominent role in the fashion industry. Aleali May spoke exclusively to nss G-Club about the influences that inspired the UGGextremeTM campaign, her close connection to Los Angeles and her role as a young woman ready to make a name for herself in the fashion industry.

Before the era of influencers, you cultivated a substantial social media presence. How did you manage to transform your online following into tangible opportunities? 

I’ve always been taught that everything isn’t on the internet. The people, places, relationships and moments of bonding, are all outside of our phone. While of course it’s a place to build off, I’ve made all of my connections outside. I think being the last generation to see life without computers, has also taught me ways to create and take action in real life.

Fashion is often viewed as a means of expressing one's individuality. How do you motivate your clients to uncover their own unique style? 

When I was styling, I was always open to diving into the clients current obsessions and styles they loved. Its all about bringing the best and being your clients cheerleader in the process. When they feel confident, the clothing pieces make an even bigger impact.

Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club | Image 476181

In your journey as a style consultant and designer, what do you consider to be the most significant challenge and the greatest source of satisfaction? 

Recently I’ve transitioned into only designing. As a young girl I’ve always looked at women like Kimora Lee Simmons. Strong, building other women up through designs and representation in a male dominated space, and fashionable while doing it. The challenges I have as a designer are all well worth it. I honestly can say I look forward to the challenges because it always unlocks a different thinking method, new idea, new lane, and after the breakthrough it just flows. 

What inspires you when it comes to creating new looks or designs? 

I’m definitely someone who’s inspired by everything, everyone and all in between. It really depends on the project and logistics. That’s when I can take details and enhance on a new level. 

Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club | Image 476182

The UGGextremeTM collection is designed to withstand the most severe weather conditions. What style advice would you offer to those who wish to remain fashionable even during the winter months? 

When I lived in Colorado and Chicago, it taught me how to get my best winter outfits together. What’s most important for safety is layers and insulated gear under your coats, boots, and accessories. The layers have always helped and you can go for a monochromatic look or even playing with different colors and textures.

Throughout your career, you have broken down cultural and style barriers. What primary message would you like to convey to young individuals striving to realize their dreams in the fields of fashion and creativity? 

As cliche as it may seem, being yourself at the end of the day, will always win. Know that there are so many other young kids just like yourself. So when you speak in your truth, you're also speaking for the many like yourself. It will be hard, but the main thing is to have fun and build with others. You’ll go farther as a team than solo. 

Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club | Image 476183

Over the years, you have collaborated with prominent celebrities, such as Jaden Smith, Kendrick Lamar, and Lil Yachty. Could you share a memorable styling experience involving one of them? 

The greatest part about my clients, is that its always been a collaboration. A team coming together all the way till the end. Its a relationship where you feed and bounce ideas, being an open playing field. I’m able to be my best self in the space and in turn, we grow with every project.

Lastly, what does being a style icon mean to you, and how do you anticipate that your involvement in the UGG Campaign will inspire others? 

Being a style icon to me, means living in your truth. As they say, the clothes don’t wear themselves! While you’ll always find my love for classic pieces always there, I’m always willing to explore new avenues that still hold the same values. 

Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club | Image 476184
Aleali May: «I admire women who make other women grow through design and presentation» The designer revealed all the secrets of her success and her role in the new UGGextremeTM campaign to the nss G-Club | Image 476180

What are your future plans and aspirations in the realm of fashion and style? 

I’m currently working on more designs, and I can’t wait to announce a large role I will be playing in this. Having more options for youth like myself is one of the reasons why I do this. Designs that speak to us, that are made by us.