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DoDo x Te.loscrivoio tells indelible messages

The collection unites jewelry and tattoss and talks emotional messages

DoDo x Te.loscrivoio tells indelible messages The collection unites jewelry and tattoss and talks emotional messages

The worlds of jewelry and tattoos have more in common than one might expect. The new DoDo x Te.loscrivoio collection in collaboration with eclectic tattoo artist and designer Ylenia Fabiano aims to represent the union of these two worlds, so distant but definitely close, especially when it comes to heart and instinct. With the use of irreverent and sentimental phrases, puns and emphasis, the famous jewelry brand speaks the universal language of feelings, capable of attracting attention, creating accessories with an intimate feeling all thanks to the power of words, important tools for creating contrasting plays and harmonies and making even small things important and seemingly insignificant details fundamental. 

Silver acts as a blank canvas for the collection in which the artist has curated the lettering of the phrases, each handwritten, and is enriched in meaning by the emphasis given by the contrast of the brilliance of the material and the black enamel that blackens the engravings on the jewelry. Ylenia's messages revolve around the theme of the atavistic struggle between instinct and thought, head and heart, or verbal and nonverbal, and play with the interpretation of the message and the part of the body with which it is associated: the chevalier rings are engraved in such a way as to reveal only part of the phrase at first glance, such as the model engraved on the inside with "Il mio cuor è affamato" a message of which from the outside reads only "ama" with a play of volumes in the design. "Da qui entra" and "Da qui esce" are two phrases engraved on earrings with simple and irregular shapes, capable of wringing a smile from those who choose them as a gift to give or to self-give, and sparking an unexpected emotion in those who look at them. The aesthetic aspect and the sense of discovery are after all other elements that unite the world of tattoos and the world of jewelry, as well as the relationship with the body and gestures. Even the lanyard bracelet, wearable on the wrist as well as a choker or as a necklace, bears the phrase "don't take on" and the "silence" finger ring tell the same concept, fun and universal. Earcuffs, cuff bracelets, silver wedding rings and pendants work on the same idea, to communicate everyone's uniqueness without engraving anything on the skin, but having the same meaning.

Today, tattoos are also given as gifts, a collection like the one from DoDo x te.loscrivo io is the solution for people who are fascinated by the meaning of tattoos, but are perhaps afraid of indelibly engraving a message on their skin, which could over time lose its meaning but also its aesthetic appeal. Everyone perceives the concept of engraving something indelibly on the skin differently, so we asked our community to respond to a survey to find out what messages they think are worth writing on their skin, or otherwise wearing and carrying around with a DoDo x te.loscrivoio piece of jewelry. Today even tattoos are given as gifts, a collection like the one from DoDo x te.loscrivo io is the solution for people who are fascinated by the world of tattoos, but are afraid of indelibly engraving a message on their skin, which could over time lose its meaning but also its aesthetic appeal.

When asked to a 59% tattooed audience, the question Are you afraid of getting a tattoo? 62% of users who answered in the negative, confirming the new generation's passion for tattos, while only 20% said they were afraid of getting a tattoo and the remaining 18% who admitted they were a little afraid but did it anyway. Today the value people give to tattoos has changed from the past, but not too much: 66% of users say that for them a tattoo is a symbol that represents a personal memory, such as those who choose to tattoo "On my wave," because every wave has a different length and in life you have to find your own, while 27% tattoo for the aesthetic effect of the design. If one decides to share the meaning of the tattoo with someone, 56% choose a friend, 40 percent a relative, and only 5 percent their partner, a figure that shows how giving a gift of a piece of jewelry such as those in the DoDo x Te.loscrivoio collection can be a good idea to share a message that makes one remember a loved one or unites two people under the sign of a common passion as those who responded to the survey by giving the community their ideas for simple but effective tattoos, for example "Shine" or "Breathe." Ylenia Fabiano's creative irony on DoDo jewelry is irresistible and is besides a super cool gift idea a great cue to take for any future tattoos.