The Full Moon of May is an explosion of energy
The Flower Moon in Sagittarius and its influence on all zodiac signs
May 23rd, 2024
The Orange Full Moon (which we will see in the sky today, May 23) is called the Flower Moon in English, and it is no coincidence. As spring comes to an end, it urges us to bloom and to chase away negative thoughts that could cloud our long-term goals. As if that weren't enough, this is the last Full Moon of Spring, our last chance to rebuild our self-confidence before entering the vibrant summer months. We are in the Gemini season and the tarot promises us some love, but what else can we expect from the end of May and the beginning of June?
The Orange Full Moon is in Sagittarius
As mentioned, this moon will reach its peak on May 23, it might turn orange, and it will be in the sign of Sagittarius. This sign has a philosophical and adventurous nature at the same time, and together with the Full Moon, it warmly invites us to reassess and reaffirm our long-term goals, travel plans, and personal beliefs. Expect optimism, a renewed willingness to take risks, and seek exciting opportunities. It is an energetic and powerful period that could help you overcome past negative experiences and general insecurities. Also entering this stimulating dynamic is Jupiter, which after being in Taurus along with the Sun, will move into Gemini in 2 days, on May 25. We can't wait.
Flower Moon: what to do and what to avoid
The questions to ask yourself in anticipation of this phenomenon - also called the Flower Moon because it coincides with the blooming of many seasonal flowers and is seen as a moment of nature's awakening - are: how can I best utilize my communication skills? What connections make sense to cultivate to achieve my goals? Let's diligently practice our gratitude, both for our lives and towards nature in general, including our bodies. Absolutely avoid anxiety and insecurities as much as possible. Don't think about the future, stay in the present and don't be too hard on yourself.
The meaning for each zodiac sign
- Aries: just two words: new opportunities. To travel, to educate yourself, to grow. The Orange Full Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to break and rethink your daily routine. Embrace everything unconventional.
- Taurus: don't be afraid to tell your version of the facts and focus on communication, which must always be very clear. Expressing vulnerability is uncomfortable and difficult, but you have to try, especially with people you trust. Conquer your fears.
- Gemini: be understanding and commit to personal relationships, this will bring positive energy into your life. Expand your horizons through the people around you. Plan a romantic getaway and let your heart guide you.
- Cancer: don't be boring. Follow a new health and wellness regimen. If everything seems monotonous, do something to change your daily life and don't sit idly by. Feel free to mix things up.
- Leo: prioritize fun and discovery. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Try karaoke, create new memories. Big and small. A bit of impulsiveness, every now and then, doesn't hurt.
- Virgo: you feel emotionally drained, and you're right. Find comfort in family and happy memories, seek the lost sense of belonging. Decorate and renew the space where you live to combat negative emotions that resurface. It will pass.
- Libra: you are very inspired. Engage in creative writing, start a blog or project, communicate what's inside you. It's your time to shine and offer your perspective to anyone who wants to listen.
- Scorpio: reassess your approach to money and material goods. Maybe you are too materialistic. How do your values align with your financial goals? Reflect well, the answers are not all positive.
- Sagittarius: it's time to put yourself in the spotlight. Share passions and interests with the world, update your CV and your website. Travel solo, immerse yourself in different cultures. It will be an intense moment, commit to feeling all the emotions fully.
- Capricorn: it's time for reflection and introspection, to heal in solitude. Embrace meditation and start a dream journal: you need to be patient, a transformation is coming.
- Aquarius: you feel better in a large group of people, and you need to expand your network. There are many opportunities, and you need to seize them. Actively engage in contributing to society and the community.
- Pisces: stay open to external impulses and don't shut yourself off. Your reputation is positive, don't downplay your successes. Everything you have, you deserve and have earned.