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The New Moon in Taurus is the perfect time for new beginnings

Its meaning for each sign, what to do and what to avoid

The New Moon in Taurus is the perfect time for new beginnings Its meaning for each sign, what to do and what to avoid

The New Moon in Taurus, arriving today May 8th in our skies, brings with it renewing energies linked to earth and materiality. Every New Moon is a good time to dedicate ourselves to our manifestations and new beginnings, and this one is no exception. Everything you start working on during a new moon - whether it's a new routine, a new hobby, a medium or long-term goal - will be blessed by the heavens in the coming weeks and months. The culmination of all this work, the fruits will be harvested in the Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th, marking the end of the cycle.

New Moon in Taurus: what to do

After the upheavals of Aries astrological season, the New Moon in Taurus invites us to implement in our lives a new routine dedicated to yoga, calm, meditation, and mental as well as physical well-being. Another thing to do could be to dedicate yourself to spring cleaning and decluttering, to make room for novelties. Donate something, it will do you good. Make a medium to long-term savings plan or embark on a no-spending challenge: plant the seeds of financial well-being wisely.

New Moon in Taurus: what not to do

Avoid anything harmful or negative, such as smoking that extra cigarette. Furthermore, try not to spend too much on superfluous things, so as not to neutralize the power of decluttering and spring cleaning. Don't dive into projects larger than yourself: be aware of your maneuvering space, your strength, and what you can or cannot do. If you can, carve out a moment of relaxation, embrace the cozy energies of Taurus.

New Moon in Taurus: meaning for each sign

  • Aries: Aim for the stars, and then go even higher. This Moon is all about self-esteem: show the world your determination.
  • Taurus: Invest in yourself. Work to become your best version, change your life.
  • Gemini: Try to carve out leisure time and rest. Everything revolves around deep feelings. It's time to close something: be brave and open a door.
  • Cancer: Dedicate yourself to networking. You're charming enough to win everyone over: gather a crowd around you, connections are everything.
  • Leo: You're all about work, and it's the right time to take a step forward or to get exactly what you deserve.
  • Virgo: Are you ready for an adventure? Plan a trip and look for new inspirations wherever you go.

  • Libra: This New Moon is transformative for you. Get ready for a big change, to face your demons, and to leave the past behind.
  • Scorpio: It's time to move forward as a pair. Whether it's in love, at work, or in friendship: two is stronger than one.
  • Sagittarius: A small change could start an avalanche of novelties for you. Work on balancing work and private life.
  • Capricorn: It's time to bask in the limelight. Get excited, and spend time on activities that truly light you up.
  • Aquarius: What does home mean to you? Think big, and don't be afraid to question everything you believe in.
  • Pisces: It's time to make a dream come true. Share your story, make a wish, and watch it take shape.