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What does it mean if Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus?

The most intense astrological day of the year has arrived

What does it mean if Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus? The most intense astrological day of the year has arrived

The year 2024 has just begun, but we have already seen significant planetary alignments, from Mercury retrograde to the return of Saturn, passing through the solar eclipse. The next one will occur on April 21st when Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin at 21.51° in the sign of Taurus. This is a rare event that happens only once every 84 years and, according to astrology, deeply affects both society in general and each zodiac sign specifically, triggering disruptions that will shape the future.

What is a conjunction in astrology?

In astrology, a conjunction occurs when two planets are within an angular distance of 0 to 3 degrees or, in simpler terms, when they align relative to the point from which they are observed on Earth. It is a more or less frequent event, which can be positive or negative depending on the planets involved and their distance. As they come closer, the two planets seem to unite their energies, beginning to influence each other and the zodiac signs.

The conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus brings changes

Jupiter and Uranus meet every 14 years. Each time, they unleash a wave of innovative ideas, intuitions, and the desire to create a new reality for ourselves and the world. The two planets are even more powerful when they are both in Taurus, which will not happen again until 2108. This is such a rare event that it often reveals the zeitgeist of the moment, coinciding with major changes and numerous important events. Their last conjunction in the second zodiac sign was in June 1941, the same month Germany invaded Russia during World War II. Speaking of positive changes, in the same year, the Great Depression ended in the United States, Konrad Zuse completed the world's first computer, paving the way for the digital age, and more and more women took control of sectors historically dominated by men (who were then engaged in frontline combat), such as weapon production in factories or driving fire trucks and ambulances, achieving significant gains for feminism, especially regarding workplace rights. Going even further back in time, during the Taurus conjunction of 1858, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace presented the theory of evolution, and Darwin completed The Origin of Species.

What to expect in the coming months

From this year's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, we can expect tangible changes that will touch global socioeconomic structures and the scientific field, as well as how we interpret the world, fashion, and the future. In astrology, Jupiter is considered the Great Benefic, the most fortunate planet, bringing blessings and growth. Uranus, on the other hand, is known as the Great Awakener, liberating us from conditioning, conformity, and stagnation to connect with our true selves. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of romance and money, and is associated with what is tangible, grounded, and secure. Together, these elements stir up a certain restlessness, a desire to break free from existing limits, freedom, and liberation, to change perspective. For some, this mood will coincide with great emotions and changes, new opportunities blossoming in unexpected places. There could be career advancements, financial gains and profits, new exciting love stories, intellectual dynamism, and discoveries.

What the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus means for each zodiac sign


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What does it mean if Jupiter joins Uranus in Taurus? The most intense astrological day of the year has arrived | Image 499639

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