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What do the tarot cards say for 2024?

The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation

The arrival of the new year always brings with it the desire to improve and grow. Often, as December comes to an end, people reflect on the past year and make lists of resolutions, noting hopes and goals to achieve – in my case, most of the time, unattainable – as a reminder for the coming year. It occurred to me that I could also write a list of resolutions for you. So, I sat down and drew a card for each zodiac sign from my deck of Marseille Major Arcana, jotting down some observations. Happy reading.

Aries 2024 - Arcane XI, Strength: Overcome Your Fears

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482127

The card that came out for you, young Aries, is a symbol of determination, courage, and confidence – qualities you certainly already possess! Your resolution is to be energetic, have faith in your convictions, and be strong enough to believe in a positive outcome. Understand your worth.

Taurus 2024 - Arcane XVIII, The Sun: Renew Yourself, Continuously

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482214

The Sun card, dear Taurus, is one of the most positive among the Major and Minor Arcana. While "burning," providing warmth and light to everything, your Good Intent is to love unconditionally, accept every new construction, and be ready for new beginnings and changes. Remember that this card is a harbinger of success, whether in love, work, finances, or health, based on a warm and illuminated path.

Gemini 2024 - Arcane III, The Empress: Indulge in Creative Bursts

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482223

The Empress is one of my favorite Arcana. It represents an explosion of fire, energy, and lively spirit, ready to surpass its limits. So, dear Gemini, your Good Intent associated with this Arcana is: , listen to it, and let it act within you. Be creative, or rather, rediscover creativity. I know you have it within you.

Cancer 2024 - Arcane IX, The Hermit: Learn to Overcome Crises

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482128

The Hermit card, dear Cancer, often symbolizes a crisis to face or an imminent change. Learn to manage these crisis situations and think of them as "positive crises". Look back, understand where you went wrong and where you did better. Don't let yourself be demoralized; you are on the right path. Remember, in crisis, there is renewal.

Leo 2024 - Arcane XX, Judgment: It's Never Too Late to Start Again

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482224

Judgment is the penultimate of the Major Arcana, the step before the total realization of the World (Arcane XXI). This card calls for a new life or the need to change course. You will need great strength of spirit, dear Leo, to become aware of your past mistakes and leave them behind. Embark on a journey of introspection, look inside yourself: changing direction is a courageous but necessary choice. If the hectic pace of this society is not in harmony with your true self, don't be afraid to evolve.

Virgo 2024 - Arcane XIII, Temperance: Find Your Center

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482216

Dear Virgo, take a good look at this card: a woman pours liquid from a blue bowl to a red one, suggesting the circulation of flows and energies. Everything will be fine, but your Good Intent for the new year is to learn to know and control the various aspects of your personality, trying to make them coexist. Keyword for the coming months: balance. Seeking the middle ground, avoiding excesses, will help you achieve your deep aspirations and, above all, feel better.

Libra 2024 - Arcane XVIII, The Star: Find Your Place in the World

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482215

The Star is the only naked card in the tarot, with nothing to hide. Dear Libra, take a sigh of relief and relax. Let go of fears and worries. If you have to choose, opt for the option that brings you maximum serenity. Realize your presence in the world, dedicate yourself to the care of body and soul, and find your place to act on Earth. Once found, nurture and enrich it. Find the beauty in it.

Scorpio 2024 - Arcane X, The Wheel of Fortune: Be Adaptable

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482218

Dear Scorpio, keep in mind: everything that begins ends, everything that ends begins. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that in life, there is a continuous alternation of ups and downs, prosperity and austerity, joy and sadness. Your Good Intent is to learn to "turn" along with the wheel, finding the positive side in moments of distress. Orient yourself towards change, positive or negative, and accept the constant mutation of reality. Learn to change with it.

Sagittarius 2024 - Arcane IV, The Emperor: Seek Certainty and Act

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482220

I know your volatile nature may have made you frown, dear Sagittarius, reading the Good Intent I have in store for you, but wait and let me explain. The number IV, associated with the square, makes the Emperor Arcane a symbol of stability and security. Become aware of your goals and take action! Try to act with firmness and confidence in your abilities. Supported by this Arcane, a powerful force will push you towards the realization of these projects.

Capricorn 2024 - Arcane VIII, Justice: No More Perfectionism

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482219

Dear Capricorn, your Good Intent for the new year is to distance yourself as much as possible from the idea of perfection. What is perfect, besides being inhuman, is immobile and insurmountable. Deconstruct the idea of perfection you long to achieve, replacing it with that of excellence. With the help of this Arcane, you will learn in the coming months to give yourself what you deserve and perhaps be less harsh on yourself. Distinguish subjective judgments from objective ones and say yes and no when necessary.

Aquarius 2024 - Arcane XVI, The Chariot: Self-Discipline

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482226

The attitude of this Arcane reveals great security and determination. Dear Aquarius, try to take an example from this young man in armor. Through self-discipline and determination, learn to realize your potential. Consider obstacles as mere setbacks. This will guide you towards small successes, and remember that this card is a harbinger of great fortune.

Pisces 2024 - Arcane I, The Magician: Repeat to Yourself That Everything Is Possible

What do the tarot cards say for 2024? The Zodiacal Resolutions for a Year of Personal Growth and Transformation | Image 482221

Repeat this to yourself like a mantra, dear Pisces. The Magician is a young man in front of a table full of tools and materials that he could use. In front of you are many roads, possibilities, and choices. The Magician supports you: anything is possible, anything can be started. Nothing opposes your starting new options. So, what are you waiting for?