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How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs?

Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign

The saying "New Year, new life" applies to everyone. We are about to embark on the new year that awaits us just around the corner, always starting with new resolutions and optimism in the first days that accompany the new year. Each year brings joys, challenges, lessons, adventures, disappointments, and love. We are like on a carousel, where we must take a ride by force. Many people tend to point fingers at what happens around us, as if we were passive subjects. But it is not so; let's not blame the stars for our happiness or our discomforts, but rather let's try to absorb what they want to tell us.

What will be the most important transits of 2024?

Pluto in Aquarius

The last of the generational planets is the slowest; its transits are long and often, before changing signs, about 20 years pass. Pluto in the sign of Aquarius will immediately characterize 2024. Its transit will begin on January 22, not yet as a definitive passage in this air sign, but the first transformations are approaching. Ambassador of new trends and rebellion, Pluto in this sign anticipates a new revolution of which our society will be a part. There will be a less individualistic and more collective imprint that will affect the community. A mission against the current; ethics will become more flexible. There will be an increasingly strong progression towards the technological world and new inventions. If you think everything has already been created, with this transit, we will realize that we were wrong.

Mercury Retrograde Appointments

The first days of 2024 begin with Mercury in retrograde motion, but only for a short time. Mercury will have 3 retrograde appointments this year, and the main protagonists are the Fire Signs. From April 2 to 25, Mercury will be retrograde in Aries, from August 6 its retrograde motion will begin in Virgo and then move to Leo until August 28. The last retrograde motion will start on November 27 and end on December 15 in the sign of Sagittarius. A lot of ardor with difficulty expressing oneself; in addition to the classic communicative slowdowns, situations will arise where it will not be easy to express one's actions. Our passions could be reassessed, and beware of frankness. With this element, it's easy to lose control when you can't give full vent to your impulses.

2024 Eclipses with lunar nodes in Aries and Libra

  • March 25: Lunar Eclipse in Libra
  • April 8: Solar Eclipse in Aries
  • September 18: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
  • October 2: Solar Eclipse in Libra

These are the 4 Eclipses involved in 2024. In 2023, it began a new cycle of Eclipses, affecting the sign of Aries (North Lunar Node) and the sign of Libra (South Lunar Node). A cycle of changes that will highlight individuality and relationships. An inclination towards action... the warrior who wants to fight for his values. In 2024, there will be a first taste of the cycle in the Pisces-Virgo axis with the eclipse on September 18... the journey towards compassion.

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter will be in Taurus until the first half of the year, bringing abundance from a material perspective and a state of tranquility and well-being towards the simplicity of life and the appreciation of the nature that surrounds us. On May 26, Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini; communication and learning will have a significant boost with social organizations focused on dialogue. Many may reevaluate and pursue abandoned studies, with a strong growth in language skills, new social platforms, and a lot of curiosity. These are just some of the things that will be highlighted throughout 2024, but let's remember that it will also be a challenge. Jupiter in the sign of Gemini cannot develop energies, lots of curiosity but will there be real depth?

There are many other planets that will characterize the year 2024, such as Mars Retrograde in Leo, Lilith between Virgo and Libra, Uranus and Saturn in Pisces. We will have the opportunity to see everything in these upcoming 12 months.

Horoscope 2024: Aries

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481871

You will revolutionize the relational field, it will be all or nothing, significant steps, half measures will not be part of your life. Remember: communication is the foundation of everything.

Horoscope 2024: Taurus

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481869

The year of conquest, you will play all your cards at the beginning of the year to start something important. Spoiler: you will succeed! New work ideas and life projects. Remember: wonders surround you every day.

Horoscope 2024: Gemini

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481868

Gemini: A personally rich year but above all from a material point of view. Expect good financial profits, and you will gain new experiences. Remember: reconcile knowledge with wisdom.

Horoscope 2024: Cancer

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481867

A great personal rebirth, you will feel connected to new spiritual and profound interests that will help you in the tough moments of the year, your own refuge that only a few will know about. Remember: maturation is part of evolution.

Horoscope 2024: Leo

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481866

You will have to proceed with caution, new work projects slow down, you will have to study your actions well to achieve an excellent result. At the end of the year, you might even completely reassess everything and change direction. Remember: chatter distracts you from action.

Horoscope 2024: Virgo

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481865

You will come into contact with the hidden parts of your life, finding the courage to face with confidence what has been deviated in previous years. Your focus will be to shake off burdens. Remember: without shadow, there can be no light.

Horoscope 2024: Libra

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481864

You will sift through the people in your life, either they will stay with you or you will cut them out, especially those who cannot appreciate the new version of you, an independent person. Remember: learn to listen to your needs.

Horoscope 2024: Scorpio

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481863

It will be a test, learn to accept parts of yourself that you consider "weak". Everyone has vulnerabilities, and you will have to take advantage of yours. Remember: things can work out if you really want them to.

Horoscope 2024: Sagittarius

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481874

This year, you will take the time to discover what you love to do the most, what your hidden interests and talents are. There is something creative in you too. You might try a bit of everything, but then find your thing and let go of the rest. Remember: too much can be overwhelming.

Horoscope 2024: Capricorn

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481873

An intense journey, you may feel distractions from your goals, love requires more care. You will learn to balance your private life with your social life. Remember: Great adventures require commitment.

Horoscope 2024: Aquarius

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481872

2024 will remain in your memory. You will achieve many of the goals you have set, especially on a personal level. You will need to transform something in your life, probably a new job. Remember: embrace your abilities with strength.

Horoscope 2024: Pisces

How will 2024 be for the zodiac signs? Horoscope for the upcoming year, sign by sign | Image 481870

Lessons about lessons, it will be more time spent alone rather than with others. A sabbatical year from the external world, but don't completely isolate yourself. A journey will open your mind. Remember: you can rely on yourself.