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Welcome Mercury Retrograde

What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023?

Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023?

Are you already looking forward to Christmas and counting down the days until New Year's Eve in the hope that it will bring new and happier beginnings? To quote the Iliad, brake your horses. Before it ends, 2023 puts one more obstacle in our way to overcome Mercury retrograde, which begins its retrograde from today, 13 December, and will continue until 1 January 2024 (its retroshade, the two-week period after the start of a retrograde, will end on 20 January 2024). Not only is it the last Mercury retrograde of 2023 and the first of 2024, but it's also special because it crosses two signs, Sagittarius and Capricorn. What this means. Whenever Mercury retrograde is mentioned, we unconsciously start compiling a list of possible incidents and challenges we could attribute to the renegade planet: returning ex-boyfriends, problems with technology, misunderstandings, arguments with family members and financial chaos. Let's find out what's in store for us in the coming weeks.

What does Mercury retrograde mean?

During the year, about once a quarter, Mercury, the planet of ideas, thoughts, travelling and communication, goes retrograde. This is a purely optical illusion in which the planet moves slower than the Earth and appears to be moving backwards. According to astrology, it is normal in this situation for there to be delays, miscommunications, nonsensical arguments, doubts and the urge to text your ex (hands off the smartphone!), for objects to break and for technology to fail. In short, lots of unpredictable little problems and mishaps that can put a strain on our nerves and our attentiveness.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

According to scientists, this is nothing other than the optical illusion described above. But according to astrologers, this can be a catastrophic time for aspects believed to be ruled by Mercury, such as communication and travel. Technology breaks down. Flights are delayed and/or cancelled. Texts are misinterpreted. Exes come back as zombies and knock on the door. Arguments with brothers, sisters and relatives are the order of the day. Therefore, it is usually not considered a good time to start something new, because the agreements made are likely to hide deceit or an unclear clause. How can you survive? Always read a hundred times and consult an expert before signing official documents; if you have to send important communications, check them at least three times before you press send; if someone makes you an offer that is too good to be true, it probably is; if you have to make an important decision, give yourself a little more time. And if you're in a nostalgic mood, give the phone to a friend so you won't be tempted to call the ex who dumped you in high school.

Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn

Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on 13 December before moving into Sagittarius from 23 December. When Mercury is in Capricorn, we become more detail-orientated and practical. We look for certainty, feel the need to escape to a safe harbour and only speak when we are sure about the topic we are addressing. This is because Capricorn is a sign of the zodiac that likes discipline and respects social hierarchy. However, as Capricorn is often career orientated, it's possible that the influence of Mercury retrograde could hit someone very hard at work. Beware of arguments with your boss, parents or other authority figures.

Mercury retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius

From 23 December 2023 to 1 January 2024, Mercury will be retrograde through the sign of Sagittarius. The sign is known for its fun-loving, spontaneous and adventurous nature. Therefore, Mercury retrograde in this sign will affect us in two ways. At first, we may feel a little confused, reckless and risk-taking. As the days go by, however, anxieties, doubts and fears may arise. Frustration will go through the roof. But this will pass with Mercury retrograde.

The effects of the last Mercury retrograde of 2023 on all signs:


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480579
Like Penelope, you will make and unmake the net, submersed from labour. Take a breath and remember: if you work hard now, you'll achieve great results later.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480580

You could be late and forget to pack underwear. Check your suitcase well and always try to leave early.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480581

Stop buying glitter lipstick and sequinned skirts. Keep your credit card in the freezer for the next few weeks.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480582

Big drama: Your ex(es) may come back as zombies and knock on the door. Throw it in their face!


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480583

Take the broom and clear away your mental cobwebs. Throw the old patterns overboard and start a new, fresh and clean phase.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480584

Hot weeks ahead. Expect stunts and experiments in the bedroom that will make the walls blush. Maybe even with an ex.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480585

The house could explode. Watch out for the whims of appliances and bullying flatmates. Count to ten. It'll soon be over.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480586

Check spam. You may have missed an important message. Before you reply and press "Send", read it again a hundred times.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480587

Big revelation: you're not always right.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480588

Throw the old out the window and make room for the new.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480589

We recommend a repeat of Sliding Doors. It's time to make different choices than you have in the past and see where fate takes you.


Welcome Mercury Retrograde What will be the effects of the last Mercury Retrograde in 2023? | Image 480590

An enemy more insidious than the Mean Girls may be hiding among your friends. Think carefully about who you trust.