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The December horoscope of nss G-Club

How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season

The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season

December can be defined as the month of wonders; every year, it knows how to give us strong emotions amid stress and anxieties due to the year-end work closure, joy during Christmas, which is always the perfect time to create new memories, and enthusiasm for the arrival of the new year with new resolutions and hopes.

Astrological Transits in December

This final month of 2023 closes with a nice array of transits, so we won't lack anything, just like a Christmas dinner. Opening the doors is Mercury, which on December 1st enters the sign of Capricorn; the keyword for this transit is "practicality." We will put all our ideas and thoughts into play at work, perhaps sometimes with a bit of a workaholic focus. On December 4th, Venus enters Scorpio, everything becomes hotter and more passionate, love shifts towards physicality and devotion to loved ones. The wishes of the New Moon arrive on December 12th in the sign of Sagittarius, bringing optimism and spontaneity. The second half of the month should be experienced lightly; live simple moments as if they were a new experience. Let's have fun! Just around the corner, Mercury turns Retrograde on December 13th in the sign of Capricorn for the entire month of December. The usual advice: No Panic. If we've been rushed to close everything perfectly within the set times, Retrogradation will bring slowdowns; it's better to pay attention and double-check things before the final send-off. Skipping ahead in time, we reach the last trio of 2023; on December 22nd, we officially enter the Capricorn season. We will feel a strong push towards our fulfillment both in terms of career and personal life; new projects are likely to be born! On December 27th, the last Full Moon of 2023 awaits us in the sign of Cancer, full of emotion, a bit of nostalgia as we look back on the ending year—scroll through your phone gallery. Venus concludes the year in Sagittarius on December 29th, ready to give us liveliness, a flirty air, and perfect fun for the New Year's Eve. Freedom and independence will be important for both singles and those in a love story.


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478854

A normal month for December, but try to balance your personal life with your work life; nervousness may arise during this period due to work. Mars in Sagittarius is on your side and will help you preserve energy. Tired but not too exhausted during the holidays. Romantic relationships won't strengthen, but you'll receive understanding from your partner.

Magical Moment: December 20th, holiday shopping will lift your spirits.

Christmas Bucket List: In the kitchen, bake Christmas-shaped cookies to fill your home with the scent of cinnamon.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478853

Despite Jupiter still being Retrograde in your sign, you start the month with a lot of optimism and a need to materialize what had been set aside in recent months. Much focus on your goals but a bit less on relationships; be careful not to neglect the people you care about too much, as unpleasant arguments could arise... Don't ruin your holidays. Divide your days to give space to everyone and everything.

Magical Moment: December 1st, you'll have the right time to reflect.

Christmas Bucket List: Pajama party with friends and hot chocolate.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478852

Dear Gemini, 2023 doesn't end as excitingly as you expected; you're feeling low on energy due to transits opposite your sign. Your curiosity remains the only constant during this period; take advantage of it to discover new things or deepen your knowledge. Knowledge is never enough for someone like you!

Magical Moment: December 25th, Christmas with your loved ones will be unforgettable.

Christmas Bucket List: Paint candles with Christmas designs (candy canes, trees, stars, etc.).


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478851

You can't complain during the holidays... yes, some planets may bother you, like Mercury in Capricorn, making you focus more on work duties than personal ones related to home/family, but it will end on a positive note with the Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month. Just try to carefully balance the extroversion of your feelings; instead of sharing them with others, keep them to yourself.

Magical Moment: December 27th (Full Moon in Cancer), a day full of sensitivity and sweetness.

Christmas Bucket List: Decorate the Christmas tree with the new trend, lots of ribbons instead of baubles.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478850

Dear Leo, this month starts with some challenges in the relational field; if you're in a love story, issues within the couple may arise, which both you and your partner will have to face if you care about each other. It can go two ways: growth for the couple or a breakup. For single friends, new acquaintances; who knows, on New Year's Eve, you might kiss someone under the mistletoe.

Magical Moment: December 29th, butterflies for someone.

Christmas Bucket List: Visit Christmas markets in good company.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478849

You're not used to all this carefree and fun atmosphere in December. You try to stay focused on work, but occasionally you can detach yourself from your duties. It will be a month full of expenses between gifts and weekends in the snow. You'll only let go in the last days of the year, perfect for New Year's Eve, with bubbles and funny moments in good company.

Magical Moment: December 31st, 3..2...1.. you can't wait to light the fireworks.

Christmas Bucket List: Visit Santa Claus' village in your city; it will make you feel like a child.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478848

This period takes you back to the past, with a bit of nostalgia for the beautiful childhood memories. Create new traditions for this last month. Feelings will play an important role throughout the period, especially at the end of December; the Full Moon in Cancer will bring out an explosion of sensations.

Magical Moment: December 7th, only smiles and positive vibes.

Christmas Bucket List: Write your letter to Santa Claus.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478847

You're in your romantic cloud, dreaming of the perfect story that fits perfectly with the holidays. You wouldn't mind introducing someone new at the Christmas lunch/dinner, putting an end to the usual question "And the boyfriend/girlfriend?" December is full of emotion this year in all areas, including personal and work; you're putting in effort, and you see the results starting to show.

Magical Moment: December 4th (Venus enters Scorpio), you're all "I love you."

Christmas Bucket List: Enjoy a Christmas movie, choose between "The Holiday" and "Bridget Jones."


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478846

It's timeeee... you couldn't wait for December; it's all a party. You're ready to decorate every space with decorations, excited to shop for gifts. It's your favorite time. You'll not only hear "Merry Christmas" but also birthday wishes, as we're in the midst of your season. Mars in your sign gives you a boost; it will be difficult to tire you out.

Magical Moment: December 12th (New Moon in Sagittarius), new projects will start to materialize.

Christmas Bucket List: Activate Mariah Carey mode, only Christmas songs in your playlist.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478845

A powerhouse at the end of the year, you're focused straight ahead, not looking at anyone, as reaching your goal is important for you. However, take some time to give space to your ideas, not only work-related but also creative, putting them into practice. Mercury is in your favor during December, but from the 13th, it goes retrograde; be careful with your sarcasm, it could be misunderstood.

Magical Moment: December 22nd (Capricorn Season), like a true pioneer, you're ready to welcome 2024.

Christmas Bucket List: Try DIY Christmas and create placeholders for Christmas lunch.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478844

Dear Aquarius, not a bad ending to 2023; it has been fluctuating, but you try to conclude it in the best possible way. Dedicate time and space to yourself and plan your ideas to be implemented immediately with the arrival of the new year. In the emotional field, it's a bit "so, so"; communication must always be present because unsaid words could trigger arguments.

Magical Moment: December 16th, a Saturday dedicated to the party.

Christmas Bucket List: Create your Gingerbread House.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


The December horoscope of nss G-Club How each zodiac sign will experience the Sagittarius season | Image 478843

You've had a long period of reflection; it's time to unplug a bit and put all this overthinking to rest, at least for the Christmas period. You feel the need to spend productive and enjoyable time with the people around you. Propose some trips or creative activities to distract yourself and fully experience this last month of 2023.

Magical Moment: December 18th, an unexpected piece of advice will open your mind.

Christmas Bucket List: Ice skating.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐