Venus in Libra craving for romance and sociality
Here is what the new Venus position means for each zodiac sign
November 8th, 2023
From 8 November to 4 December 2023, Venus hovers in her birth sign, Libra. During this time, we can build emotional bonds, make decisions about our relationships and seek balance and harmony in our love life. But we should also face some minor challenges. In short, it will be weeks of passion, beauty and socialising, alternating with days when we will reflect on our feelings in our love, friendship and work relationships.
The connection between Venus and Libra
In astrology, each sign has a ruling planet. When the two come together, a natural flow of energy, trust, understanding and inspiration is released. Venus is the planetary ruler of both Taurus, a constructive earth sign, and Libra. And it is the connection with the latter that invites us to joy, harmony and self-esteem in the coming weeks and picks up on the typical characteristics of the air sign: love, cooperation, collaboration, beauty, art, communication, justice, balance. We may have a weakness for the finer things in life: fine dining, art, music and all kinds of luxury. So we'd better watch our bank account when we indulge our hedonistic impulses.
Venus in Libra and relationships
Venus in Libra is witty and skilful with people and has a strong sense of cosmopolitanism and ease. Not for superficiality. When it comes to relationships, it drives us to flirt at our best and makes us shine at any party or event. This increases our chances of attracting our crush and our desire to share everything with our partner(s). Everything works best as long as there is reciprocity, equality and balance. When situations get out of balance, Venus in Libra will make us feel the need to reorient ourselves. Venus in Libra likes to give everyone a chance and influences us to stay in relationships that have passed their expiry date. Often out of fear of being alone. So watch out for red flags.
The effects of Venus' new position
The coming weeks will bring a mixture of energies. Tempers may flare, but we should use the energy of this transit to work on ourselves. On the one hand, we should dedicate ourselves to the things we love and feel good about, focussing especially on beauty and pleasure in all forms. On the other hand, we should heal relationships that are salvageable and let go of those that have ended, learning from past mistakes to evolve and find our inner voice. We should no longer be stuck in emotions and old habits.
All that glitters is not gold. The challenges that Venus in Libra has in store for us
Until 28 November, the new position of Venus will bring us luck and abundance in love. And 28 November in particular can be a good day to play the lottery, make an investment, go on a date, start a new creative project, attend a party or wear a new look. Then things could change. On 29 November, Venus makes a connection with the South Node of Fate in Libra, awakening the negative aspects of the planet: Exhaustion, laziness, frustration, co-dependence, overconfidence and heartbreak. Beware of your heart and mind! On 3 December, Venus is also squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto's tense aspect will bring out power struggles, triangular situations, desires, secrets and jealousy in relationships and friendships. Also, Saturn in Pisces from 8 November could bring minor frustrations and insecurities; Uranus retrograde in Taurus on 26 November will shake up our love lives; and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on 30 November will confuse us about the future of relationships and stir up some nostalgia for the past. Fortunately, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on 16 November will boost our energy.
What Venus in Libra means for each sign of the zodiac

The stars make you direct, but not always accurate. It's time to confront yourself openly, even if the answers aren't guaranteed. Question yourself and you'll discover more.

Venus acts in the shadow and gives you strength and intense looks. Concentrate on details, even in small things.

An energy that defies heaviness makes you smile and feel stronger. Approach upcoming situations with confidence.

Venus directs your focus to intimacy, family and yourself. Explore your intimate and personal side.

Thanks to Venus, communication becomes easy. Express yourself clearly and ask questions without fear.

After much thought, it's time to act. Let the energy of change flow.

Venus and Mercury enrich you. You will express beauty, moderation and precision. Perfect for you.

Dedicate yourself to intimacy and personal growth, less distracted by love and relationships.

Use your optimism to make others smile. Venus connects you to a special future.

Venus and Mercury emphasise work and commitments. Get organised and re-establish your relationship with your goals.

A special time begins for air signs like yours. Optimism and the right ideas will make you feel good.

Matters of the heart are slowing down. Find peace, slow down your decisions and search for answers.