What do the tarot cards say for September 2023?
Let's explore the meaning of arcana I and X, but also the Super Blue Moon in Pisces
August 31st, 2023
September is a small new beginning for many. Some go back to work after the holidays, others begin a new school year, or at least an academic year, and it is as if it somehow marks the "end" of a time of light-heartedness, happiness and, why not, emotional awakening, often associated with the season of summer. This imminent arrival of a "greyer" season, taking away some of the lightness to make way for responsibility, judgement and awareness, is enhanced by the Super Blue Moon, the full moon in the sign of Pisces on 31 August.
The Super Blue Moon

It may be that I am an extremely sensitive person, or it may be that my natal chart shows the moon exactly in the sign of Pisces, but this year the arrival of September was very noticeable to me. A burden, to say the least. I don't think I'm wrong in suggesting that some other sensitive souls have felt the same way. Why, you may ask? Well, firstly, this is a strange and special moon; second full moons in the same month are called "Blue Moons"; a very rare occurrence that only happens once every two or three years. Great, because it's very close to Earth, which enhances it.
The influence of the Super Blue Moon in Pisces

As if that were not enough, it is in the sign of Pisces, the epitome of empathy, emotionality, feeling and generosity. Look inside yourself, dig into your deepest feelings. This is the time when we become aware of our responsibilities and tackle issues we have been avoiding. The culmination of the lunar cycle, the culmination of August, the last month of summer, the culmination of a period when we have been avoiding and putting off responsibilities and issues. But be careful: the notion of something is not necessarily synonymous with negativity. In my opinion, quite the opposite! As is so often the case, the end of something coincides exactly with the beginning of something else, and the origin of things always brings with it, often in a hidden way, something powerful, magical and different: it is the energy of change, because it means letting go of something and hoping for what is about to begin. Also in the Tarot, the beginning represents everything that has power; a moment when anything can happen. I would like to introduce you to two great arcana and hope that they can inspire you and bring you luck in this September marked by the beginning of the new lunar cycle: The Magician, Arcanum I, and The Wheel of Fortune, Arcanum X. Find them in the middle of your deck, put them down upside down and intuitively choose one.
The Magician, Arcanum I

Let us look at this card: It shows a young man with a table in front of him with a number of elements that he can use at will, as if this card symbolises the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. So the magician shows that anything is possible, that anything can be started and that nothing stands in the way if we start something new. He points to a new beginning, but beware: a new beginning also brings with it the difficulty of making decisions, of choosing. Do you have an idea? Do you have a project? Put it into action. Do you need a change? Go, no, run towards it. You have the qualities for the success of your plans. You have the skills and the knowledge to influence all the changes that are happening or will happen.
Keywords: awakening, ability, youth, potentiality.
The Wheel of Fortune, Arcanum X

If you chose the wheel of fortune, Arcanum X, instead, here's what you need to know: Arcanum X completes the first cycle of decimals in the Major Arcana; this element and the circular shape of the wheel itself indicate the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one: The conclusion of something past and the anticipation of something that will happen in the near future. This card invites you to reflect on the inevitable alternation of positive and negative phases, of ups and downs, of joy and sadness, as if on a roller coaster. It orients you to change, for better or for worse, to a constant shift in reality. Depending on the counsellor, the wheel can point to a phase of life that has just ended and ask you to invest energy in achieving new goals. Or it can point to the full completion of a period of challenges and trials, with a positive outcome, and that a new phase is about to begin.
Keywords: Wealth, renewal, mutation, resolution.