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What are lunar nodes and what they mean for our souls

The lunar nodes have shifted and changed their axis since 17 July, what does this mean?

What are lunar nodes and what they mean for our souls The lunar nodes have shifted and changed their axis since 17 July, what does this mean?

After spending about 18 months in the Taurus-Scorpio sign axis (North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio), the Moon's nodes have shifted and will change axis from 17 July. This path will continue until 11 January 2025, when the Moon's nodes will cross the Aries-Varius axis, with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. But let us see together what these astrological aspects mean.

What are the lunar nodes?

The lunar nodes are not celestial bodies, but two points calculated in space that lie between the ecliptic of the Sun and the orbit of the Moon. Their position changes over the years and takes about 19 years to circle the entire zodiac. These mathematical points do not follow a direct cycle, but generally develop a retrograde path, i.e. they move backwards rather than forwards. The axis of the lunar nodes corresponds to the annual phases of the solar and lunar eclipses.

The lunar nodes are divided into: North Node 'caput draconis' and South Node 'cauda draconis'. The main role of these aspects is developed in karmic astrology, the two nodes represent the evolutionary path of the soul.

Like the individual planets, the lunar nodes are also part of the birth chart.

  • The North Node or Ascending Node represents the individual's possibilities for evolutionary growth, the goal to be reached, what we need to learn
  • The south or descending lunar node represents the comfort zone, habits that have taken root in the soul, trials that must be overcome, dynamics that follow one another and always repeat themselves if the lessons are not learned.

The two lunar nodes correspond at opposite points, when the North Node is in the sign of Leo, on the other side at the same point is the South Node in the sign of Aquarius, and so on. Between the opposite signs lies the key of complementation.

What are lunar nodes and what they mean for our souls The lunar nodes have shifted and changed their axis since 17 July, what does this mean? | Image 462167

What does the North Node in Aries mean

The North Node in Aries represents pure energy, a powerful moment when one's independence seeks its place. We are projected into action (Mars, the ruling planet of Aries) and need to find our role as a leader. This aspect reflects a charge of courage, the urge to keep a cool head, and a strong temperament. A volcano ready to erupt, the warrior who is not afraid of battle and does not hide behind fears. One's own impulses will come first, without being constrained by anyone. Should this be the case, there is likely to be a strong sense of rebellion against those who block our path.

What the South Node in Libra Means

We come from a south node in Libra. Unlike Aries, this sign is often dependent on other people and is content to work with others, but every now and then it is important to put yourself out there and be able to say 'No, I do not want that'. It is time to break away a little from this form of familiarity and the need to always please others. You need to try to break away from always doing things in company. The North Node in Aries wants to be alone, it wants to throw itself into new experiences!

What are lunar nodes and what they mean for our souls The lunar nodes have shifted and changed their axis since 17 July, what does this mean? | Image 462168

What will we learn from this time?

The lesson we can learn from these aspects is to balance the compassionate side associated with love and affection (Venus is the ruling planet of Libra) with the individualistic and not always yielding drive that is typical of Aries. The focus will be on the relationship dramas of the celebrities, and not only if we fail to grasp and understand the value of the personal needs that each of us has.

Here are the dates of the solar eclipses that affect this axis, note the date:

  • Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023
  • Full moon eclipse in Libra on 25 March 2024
  • Solar eclipse in Aries on 8 April 2024
  • Solar eclipse in Libra on 2 October 2024
  • Solar eclipse in Aries on 14 March 2025