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The value of the time we take: Taurus welcomes Jupiter

Jupiter seems to find a new calm, but without resting too much on his laurels

The value of the time we take: Taurus welcomes Jupiter Jupiter seems to find a new calm, but without resting too much on his laurels

In the bloom of spring and at the height of its season, the sign Taurus welcomes Jupiter, which transits this very sign from May 16, where it remains until May 26, 2024, leaving the Aries sign. This is a transit that will have a period where it will go into retrograde motion, but will always remain in the sign of Taurus for a full year.

What does Jupiter stand for in astrology?


Jupiter is the principle of expansion in astrology, not coincidentally it is the representation of Zeus, the king of Olympus. Thus the largest planet in the solar system stands for: Abundance, Happiness, Optimism, Fun and Knowledge. These themes are expressed according to the sign in which the planet is located. Jupiter in the sign Taurus is in its exaltation; the energies of the planet flow in harmony with those of the sign.

If Aries was about running left and right, always on the move and ready to act on its impulses, Jupiter in the sign Taurus seems to find a new calm, but without resting too much on its laurels. One assumes that the hard work is already underway, but in Taurus one needs to know how to cultivate and maintain consistency in terms of goals achieved or yet to be manifested.

Matter and Wealth

Taurus is an earth sign and is ruled by Venus. It is therefore not surprising that Jupiter is activated to expand our pleasures, finances and anything to do with our material possessions. Certainly it will be easy to see with our own eyes and touch with our own hands the happiness that Jupiter with Taurus is trying to bring, because after all it is an earth sign and seeing is believing.

But Taurus easily falls into the temptation of attachment, according to the motto "he who is satisfied only half enjoys" and always wants more sources. In order not to give in to this greedy and materialistic state, we need to be more attentive when we notice a certain excess of this desire, and connect with the optimistic and joyful side of Jupiter, where we are happy and grateful for everything that is already part of our lives, without always wanting more. Just ask yourself one question, "Do I really need this?"

Jupiter is a social planet, so it affects not only the individual, but society as a whole. Money and possessions will be the focus of this transit, and it seems that enough has been said about that for some years now. With Uranus in the sign of Taurus, we have seen the way of making money revolutionised, and now, with the arrival of Jupiter, the enrichment will be expanded.

Taurus is used to holding back and saving its wealth. The arrival of Jupiter will override this aspect. It is even likely that we will become more flexible, make charitable gestures and try to invest what we already have.

Dolce far niente

In the sign of Taurus everything is in balance. Jupiter in this sign helps us to understand how important it is to take time and do things in peace, without hurry or the feeling of missing something.

It is right to take a break sometimes too, to pause, observe and appreciate every little thing and beauty that surrounds us in life. Get involved in all the situations that put us in a state of comfort, joy and love.

Jupiter with the conjunction of this sign wants to enjoy life, spend time in nature. The climate and the environment will be in focus, and you will strive to preserve and care for them even more than you already do. You may not want to build anymore, but rather spend time in places where you see nothing but plants and flowers. Imagine having a picnic in a field surrounded by vineyards, with fruit, cheese, etc. and a good glass of wine. This is also Jupiter in Taurus, signifying the sweetness of doing nothing.