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May horoscope of nss G-Club

Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits

May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits

Are you ready for the month of May? Spring is in full bloom and so is the month beginning with the arrival of the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5, marked by the Lunar Eclipse. Everything seems to be in chaos with sudden changes. Do not resist the inevitable, welcome the changes that will begin in your life and let go of toxic habits. This whirlwind of emotions is somewhat sweetened and balanced by transits in Cancer and Taurus. From May 7, Venus enters the sign of Cancer. The planet of love will seek to make emotional connections and there will be a strong need to understand and be understood. There will be no shortage of pampering from time to time! On May 15, Mercury will end its retrograde motion and move into a direct transit in the sign Taurus. Misunderstandings and unfinished business resolved, we are ready to dive into work that has been a little delayed. Drum roll for... Jupiter in Taurus, yes from May 16 Jupiter changes signs, its departure into the sign Aries will not be final, but in the meantime we will experience the first dynamic of Jupiter in a sign where it finds its exaltation, the rhythms return to be calm/quiet, we strive to appreciate every beauty of life and nature, a time to experience what is called "Dolce far Niente" There are also new opportunities in professional terms. With the arrival of the New Moon in Taurus on May 19, ushering in a new, calmer and less eventful cycle than the past Solar Eclipse, strive to achieve your goals. From now on, the vibrations will continue to change, and more so as summer approaches. Mars will enter the sign Leo on May 20, new impulses and passionate love affairs could arise, your own creative expression will play an important role during this transit, but above all, everything will focus on asserting yourself and putting yourself before everyone else, even with a bit of sass. May concludes with the Sun in Gemini ringing in the season of this sign on the 21st - no long faces! The transition from Taurus to Gemini brings lots of comedy and laughter, making our days fresh and lively, full of curiosity and fun.


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450622

Dear Aries, you are in that phase where you do not know what to think. After the solar eclipse in your sign at the end of April, something has shaken you up. You feel more vulnerable than usual to any event or effect that comes up in your life. Jupiter is still in your sign, bringing out your courage and keeping your sense of humour high. Take everything that happens in your life positively; see it as a lesson. With Venus squaring your sign, it will not be easy to be understood by those around you. Spend moments only with yourself; this way you can avoid nervousness.

Magical moment: May 15, Live your moment, Lucky Girl/Guy syndrome

Tip of the month: Recharge your batteries in nature, use the beautiful days to release tension with long walks

If you are Aries Ascendant... with the Solar Eclipse on May 5, sudden transformations and changes develop in the areas of sexuality, shared/inherited possessions, rebirth ability and occultism/esotericism.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450621

This month you can not complain, we are in the middle of Taurus season! Granted, at the beginning of the month you'll be navigating through a world of emotions with the Full Moon in eclipse in opposition on May 5, but the transits really scream "Go Taurus!" You can do it. If you have a thousand thoughts running through your head that you are not achieving your goals, it's time to get rid of them because with Mercury, Jupiter and the New Moon in your sign (all in the second half of the month) you can create the life of your dreams, the wheel of fortune is turning on your side. Seize the opportunities that come your way, but before you make a decision, always weigh things up, there is no rush.

Magical moment: May 16, you will be on cloud nine (Jupiter enters Taurus)

Tip of the month: Build with creativity, make a vision board full of collages about what you want to achieve by the end of the year.

If you are Taurus Ascendant... with the Solar Eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the area of relationships with others, marriage, justice, partnership and society.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450620

Gemini, you are in a mood where you are at peace with everything around you except maybe yourself, Saturn in the inauspicious sign of Pisces, is annoying you a little, it's like you have a pebble in your shoe that you just can not get out, you have to take the shoe off to get it done. But do not worry, because on 21 May your season begins! And who keeps a Gemini more still when we are about to enter their season? I would say no one. Your energy revives as your birthday approaches, you are the ultimate party planner, you'll see, it will be a party to remember.

Magic moment: 21 May, The lights will be on you, no exceptions.

Tip of the month: Buy a diary, record every thought in writing.

If you are Gemini with Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the areas of work (the service you provide), health, duty and daily life.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450619

Apart from the last few days when Jupiter is in Aries, this is truly your Cancer month! Everything follows a clear path that leads to your personal well-being. Venus enters your sign on May 7, along with Mars already in this position, the planet of love on the one hand and the planet of action on the other. If you preferred passionate, frivolous relationships some time ago, you will now make your point. A new love could blossom, and if you are already a couple, you will find that everything will be perfect and you can choose to make plans that will give you stability. Your feelings and decisions will be stronger during the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.

Magical moment: May 7, An enveloping love between dream and reality. (Venus enters Cancer).

Tip of the month: Spend a starry night in the hills and watch the stars.

If you have a Cancer Ascendant... sudden transformations and changes in the areas of creativity, fun, passionate love and children will occur with the Solar Eclipse on May 5.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450618

Your patience thread snaps during Taurus season Leo. The planets do not show much support on your side this month. You'll feel like you are in a whirlwind with little clarity about where to go or what to do, at least until Mars enters your sign on May 20. You will manage to end this chaotic month with vigour and energy. The need to fulfil your every wish and to put into practise what you like will become stronger and stronger! To ensure that you achieve only and exclusively personal successes, roll up your sleeves, because with Jupiter in Taurus this will require a lot of time and care.

Magic moment: May 20, Who has a power? Now it's your turn, baby (Mars enters Leo)

Tip of the month: Take a warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil, this creates a totally relaxing atmosphere

If you are Leo Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the area of family, origin/roots, home and deep feelings.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450617

Dear Virgo, May brings a reset to the doubts you have been carrying around for months, after all it's normal to have them because Saturn is opposite your sign. The planets passing through the sign of Taurus this month are in your favour, especially Jupiter. You are very critical of yourself, this transit boosts your confidence in the potential you have. You need to regain your peace of mind and mental order, but do not settle for what you already have. When Mars changes signs at the end of the month, use this to expand your intellectual and/or creative talents. You are probably wondering how? Listen to your gut; you do not have to squeeze your mind to find an answer.

Magic moment: 1 May, Free your mind and body

Tip of the month: Get lost in the streets of a city, it will give your life an extra touch of romance.

If you are Virgo Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the areas of communication, studies, relationships with siblings and moving house.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450616

Dear Libra, in May Venus and Mars do not line up very well, you experience moments of constant opposition, not so much emotionally but in terms of your needs. Have you asked yourself if what you are doing is the right thing? Whether it is what you really want? With Mercury in the sign of Taurus, try to say and communicate clearly what you want. Stick to your guns and do not be swayed just because this person has high emotional value. From 20 May, when Mars returns to favour after a few months, you will know how to express your passions that emanate from your heart.

Magical moment: 31 May, a very rebellious Libra

Tip of the month: When deciding where to organise the summer holiday for the group, opt for the island climate.

If you are Libra Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the area of self-esteem, income, security and material possessions.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450615

Are we in a soap opera or in the life of the scorpion? A month of change, you are bound to be thinking "better to laugh than cry"," and that's the philosophy you need to adopt in May. Start off right with a bang full of excitement, with the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on May 5. This is a time of constant moodiness. You feel like doing something, but your emotions seem to keep you from any action. We know your passion and dedication to work, but with this event in your sign, you had better focus on yourself! Mercury, Jupiter and the New Moon will form an opposition. Separate yourself from the things that no longer work. You need to clean out thoroughly and experience Zen days.

Magic moment: 5 May, Scoppia scoppia, mi scoppia il cuor a la Carrà

Tip of the month: Make yourself a nice, fruity orange tea to recharge your energy.

If you are Scorpio Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, transformations and sudden changes develop in the area of personality, instincts and self-perception.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450614

For you Sagittarius a quiet month, all very peaceful and hot as Mars is in your favour just before Gemini time begins. Jupiter is still in favour, give space and commitment to the things you love and need to cultivate if you want to achieve your goals. In the second half of the month you will begin to devote your time to days when nothing proves productive, but to observing and exploring the horizons around you. Your mind is constantly on the move, full and rich with ideals that you would like to share with someone, but now it is better to keep them to yourself.

Magical moment: On 8 May you were full of gratitude towards life.

Tip of the month: Aperitifs at sunset, opt for a glass of wine instead of the usual spritzer (white by the sea, red in the countryside)

If you are Sagittarius Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the realms of isolation, spirituality, madness and mystery.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450613

Dear Capricorn, May is not off to an exciting start, Venus and Mars are in an unfavourable position as they are in your opposite sign. It's normal for nervousness and arguments to arise around you, and your outspoken and aloof temperament will not be pushed around, no matter what! As the planets begin to move through Taurus, you will be determined and, with Mercury by your side, ready to deal with the circumstances that have arisen in this last period. You will come to a conclusion about who in your life needs to get out of the game. You have no desire to waste your time on nonsense, you have quite other important points in your life that require your attention, ur success.

Magic moment: 19 May, a door closes and a door opens.

Tip of the month: Make a list of "pros" and "cons". This will help you get a clear view of everyone and everything.

If you are Capricorn Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, transformations and sudden changes develop in the area of friendship, dreams, brotherhood and community.


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450612

For you, Aquarius, this spring month is a chapter to put down. It is easy for you to become bored at this time; you think you do not have much stimulation around you. Perhaps you are undergoing a change? It is likely that something is bubbling up inside you. With this Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 squaring, and Pluto in your sign, the planet of transformation, you are experiencing your own personal metamorphosis. Some will change for the better, some for the worse, but the thinking of others goes in one ear and out the other unless it stimulates your intellectual side, which is open to sharing. Mars is in opposition to your sign from May 20, new controversies could arise.

Magical moment: 11 May, bless your mind.

Tip of the month: Sit in the car and listen only to songs with positive vibes.

If you are Aquarius Ascendant... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, sudden transformations and changes develop in the area of self-realisation, career, independence and reputation.


LOVE:  ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK:  ⭐⭐


May horoscope of nss G-Club Accept the changes that will occur in your life and let go of toxic habits | Image 450611

Mmmh May you really like Pisces. You certainly will not be excluded from the avalanche of emotions brought by the Lunar Eclipse either, but we have to say that all the planets are in your favour! Although Saturn in your sign continues to restrict your being, Mars and Venus in trine (positive aspect in astrology) bring new adventures and opportunities, both on a personal and relationship level. Your heart could be beating for a new personality, and we know how much you love to fantasise as soon as you get a spark. By the end of May, your artistic streak will be inspired thanks to the experiences you have had during the month.

Magical moment: On 13 May, far from paranoia, you know how to live lightly in the moment.

Tip of the month: Beautify your garden/balcony with plants and flowers, surround yourself with colours, your imagination will thank you.

If you are Ascendant Pisces... with the solar eclipse on 5 May, transformations and sudden changes develop in the areas of travel, philosophy, foreign countries and culture/religion.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐