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Enhance your willpower: a deep dive into manifestation

Let's discover together the Law of Attraction and the founding values of the practice

Enhance your willpower: a deep dive into manifestation Let's discover together the Law of Attraction and the founding values of the practice

Manifestation is a practice related to universal laws, including the Law of Attraction, which aims to explain how the universe works and why one event happens rather than another, thus eliminating the concept of "randomness." Considering that the universe is made of matter, which when observed very closely is in constant motion and gives off energy, we can say that really everything is made of energy and embrace the key of the Law of Attraction, according to which everything is made of energy and every event has a vibration, but most importantly matter that responds to the same frequency attracts. The Law of Attraction is based on a principle of balance, whereby what vibrates on a frequency of love, attracts love; what vibrates on a frequency of gratitude, attracts gratitude; what vibrates on a frequency of lack, attracts lack.

All this also applies to human beings, made of matter, who contain different energies modified by so many aspects, including mindset, emotions, drives and choices. Every human being is full of energy that varies according to predominant emotions and especially foundational values that someone recognizes, also called beliefs. Beliefs play a fundamental role in manifestation and are what more than anything else determine what manifests in one's life. These personal interpretations of reality set in motion a certain kind of energy, which then creates a reality that perfectly reflects them. The more positively we move toward a self-image that we recognize as valid and with which we are satisfied, the more the reality will resemble what you have affirmed.

So how do you manifest the reality you desire in your life? By starting with oneself and one's inner processes. Consciously manifesting means choosing your goal and savoring it, feeling it and materializing it before you before you see it realized, this is because you have to get used to it, every belief, thought and action being nothing but a form of habit. Using words, the energy of sound, to affirm a thought is one way to get used to thinking positively. For example, if you find yourself driving around in circles without finding even half a parking space, already imagining the moment when you will have found it, the relief that you finally made it or the gratitude for that person who cleared the space is a way to visualize the end result, a form of further concentration. The Universe is not falling for it-any technique, whether visualization, affirmations or otherwise, is a support, to help you feel and change your energy. Create new habits, even of thought, and it can really change one's reality.

Enhance your willpower: a deep dive into manifestation Let's discover together the Law of Attraction and the founding values of the practice | Image 437448
Enhance your willpower: a deep dive into manifestation Let's discover together the Law of Attraction and the founding values of the practice | Image 437447

Is there scientific feedback on any of this? The answer is not yet. Quantum physics is striving to give answers that would have a huge impact on how we perceive the universe, but at the moment it is believed that the necessary tools to give an explanation do not yet exist. Just as gravity existed before we understood it, we find ourselves in a situation where the human mind is unable to give an explanation for a phenomenon such as the attraction of energy that is nevertheless observed all the time. As Eckhart Tolle says in The Power of Now, "Try it and the proof will be you." Discovering the power of one's thoughts, taking back one's mind from the constant distractions by which one is bombarded every day and above all paying attention to how one addresses oneself is a way to manifest small things, which make life lighter.