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Hottest zodiac signs of 2023

Your sexual wellness predictions for the year and a female archetype to enhance it

Hottest zodiac signs of 2023 Your sexual wellness predictions for the year and a female archetype to enhance it

All signs of the zodiac have a time of year when they have an extra charge in the sexual sphere, and the transits confirm that 2023 will be a year full of fire for many. The planets that speak of eros are Mars and Pluto, they will create harmonious aspects for the signs, and to understand what one's love life will be like this year one must check the transit of planets in the 8th house, the astrological sector where sensual and physical pleasure resides. Let's see in detail what will be the hottest period for each sign, and let's draw up a ranking, from the least to the hottest, of the hottest signs of 2023 by matching each one with an archetype of female seduction to broaden one's sex appeal.

12th Place - Pisces - Coquette Archetype

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The sign of Pisces, always seems to be in its own romantic world, and with Saturn in its sign ready to put stakes and make responsibilities weigh more heavily than usual, it will appear aloof in this 2023, although great passion lurks beneath its shy eyes. Only those who know how to take the first step with you will be able to win you over. Your Feminine Archetype is the Coquette, which defines that Lolita charm rich in self-confidence but at the same time unconsciously always seeking attention. The Coquette is introverted and approaches in a distant manner, often preferring to exchange simple glances with those she finds attractive.

11th Place - Virgo - Archetype The Lady

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The time has come for Virgo to show some weakness. Saturn in the sign places tests you hoping to make you give in (emotionally) more easily. On the one hand Jupiter knows how to cheer you up by giving you dates that can entertain/entertain you. Mars in mid-August will be in your sign and not even a dip in the sea will be able to refresh you. Your stiff side needs to loosen up; let yourself be pampered with some romantic gestures. Your archetype is The Lady, this figure has the ability to make anyone melt with her genuineness and vulnerability. With The Lady it is easy to let go, with her natural charm she can convey confidence, she sees the good in any person.

10th Place - Sagittarius - Archetype The Godess

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You go from the boiling state to the frozen state all year round. The main focus this year is not physical contact but the need to seek purity and deep connections, thanks to the transit of Saturn in Pisces. Be radiant, try to brighten your face with flashy, golden accessories. Your feminine archetype is The Goddess, a female figure with introverted, ethereal energy; she seems to be estranged from the earthly world. Her sensuality is perceived by the serenity of how she lives each moment. She craves attention and at the same time creates connection that goes beyond the simplicity of a simple casual relationship.

9th place- Scorpio - Archetype The Empress

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If you want it, you know perfectly well how to make your mark. You have the ability to make anyone who lays eyes on you feel on cloud nine; it is impossible not to feel your conscious and active energy in the sexual sphere. Your female archetype is The Empress, symbolically representing the opulent women of the 1800s, conveying the social status to which you belong, an empress to whom nothing escapes. She represents the woman who can combine elegance, sensuality and poise. Her presence can be awe-inspiring, but when someone strikes her, she knows how to put him/her on the throne. She can give a strong presence/support both physically and morally.

8th place - Libra - Archetype The Sophisticate

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Libra is a bit underwhelming during the winter, but from late summer through November with everything flourishing Mars and Venus transiting your sign. Your natural art of flirting never fades, but takes on a more elegant tone. Flattery makes it clear that you have class to spare. Your female archetype is The Sophisticate, of extreme elegance and posed manners, who always appears perfect in the eyes of others. The Sophisticate is able to use her charm strategically to achieve something, thanks to communication and thinking, characterized by curiosity and intuition that allow you to easily connect mentally with another.

7th Place - Aquarius - The Boss

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The "Bedfellows" pattern is not working for you this year. You start out romantic in January but Lilith will be opposite your sign all year long. You will not be willing to share or compromise under the sheets. You need to hold the reins; you will prefer in all areas positions that put you in control. Your archetype is The Boss, a career figure characterized by confidence, the classic alpha woman. The Boss is independent and can engage the other mentally. She radiates her dominant sensuality and demonstrates by achieving all her personal goals that she is the captain of her own life. 

6th Place - Taurus - The Naive

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Play with inventiveness! Between March and April with Venus in your sign you will prepare for a debut that will happen in the second half of the year, while instead, Uranus will make you experiment with new places for your meetings. Bring out charisma and mischief, because this year your archetype is The Ingenue, the innocent-natured one with her head in the clouds. Marylin Monroe's doe eyes are the perfect example that embodies this archetype. 

5th Place - Capricorn - The Sensualist

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The ice age is over for you Capricorn. In March Pluto moves away from your sign but leaves an erotic trail that will not be lost, in fact it will make you recognize your sensual side, apparently slumbering in the last period. Your archetype for 2023 is the Sensualist, a figure who can perfectly link affection and sensuality, appearing available to the other but at the same time desirable, loves to enjoy every moment with spontaneity, especially those involving the physical side.

4th Place - Cancer - The Gamine

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In the first months of 2023, Cancer tries to hide in the sand, but from May when Jupiter enters Taurus it will be inevitable to get sunburned with the first sun. Don't be surprised if during the summer you find a slew of flirts just waiting to date you. Your Feminine Archetype is The Gamine, clumsy enough, but without losing her elegance. The Gamine is a playful, simple woman connected to her childlike side, often careless and needing to be protected, but she knows how to keep her spontaneity and childlike, fun side even in adulthood.

3rd Place - Aries - The Bohemian

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Aries doesn't miss a thing this year. With the one-two punch of Jupiter and Venus in your sign in February and favorable Mars, something is simmering, and your passionate nature will finally be unleashed. Show your natural aptitude and embrace your archetype, the Bohemian, who can seduce with her independent spirit and sensual, creative energy. The Bohemian is autonomous and is not influenced by anyone's judgment. Mary Quant, inventor of the miniskirt, represents par excellence the meaning of female independence and can be your muse.

2nd Place - Gemini - The Diva 

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The winter and spring months are always your comfort zone. Mars in your sign until the end of March makes you bubbly, and a Venus that will follow between April and May defines your self-esteem, making you feel like the true unattainable diva that everyone wants to conquer. Show off like your feminine archetype The Diva and enjoy the spotlight. The Diva's flashy energy and great stage presence amplify her regal sensuality, enabling her to be a leader of herself and others.

1st Place- Leo - The Siren

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Dear Leo, you deserve first place among this year's hottest signs. Venus and Mars will unite in June, and what happens when Mars, the planet of Eros, and Venus, the planet of love, meet, you have already figured out. Emphasizing your charm to the fullest is the Lilith (Black Moon symbolizing femininity, rebellion and unconscious impulses that lands in your sign and will be by your side until the last months of the year. Express your femininity to the fullest and connect with your more sensual side, because your feminine archetype is The Siren, popularized this year by TikTok as the woman who embodies a seductive and dark femininity, characterized by a sensual energy capable of catalyzing attention even unconsciously.