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The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club

The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value

A door closes and another door opens, look who's here ... 2023! After a decidedly introspective period, role-playing will be the dominant aspect in this new year. Jupiter speaks of optimism and confidence to all zodiac signs, calling them to question their self-confidence: many signs will finally find the right strategy to reassert themselves, others will have to rediscover their individuality by understanding how to handle conflicts (internal and external) , while some zodiac signs will need external certainties to feel secure, but don't worry, knowing how to ask for help is the first step to success. The key in this scenario, is to know how to give yourself the right value and not let anyone challenge you in a way that does not reflect you. Those who know how to give themselves the right value can also expect positive outcomes in the economic sphere. Ready to welcome new events and create new memories this year? Let's find out together, sign by sign, what will happen to each sign this 2023 and in the month of January 2023.  

The sky overview of January 2023

January, as always, will begin to end with the Aquarius season that will emphasize the value of newness: new acquaintances may arrive, but also the long-awaited radical makeover. However, this beginning of the year is also meant to make us look back toward the road we have traveled and see how far we have come. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn until Jan. 18 creates room for reflection to better understand goals and strategies to be able to achieve them and enjoy the satisfaction that follows an accomplished goal. Meanwhile, the Full Moon on Jan. 6 lights the way by making clear the need to listen even to feelings when it is time to make a choice, whether simple or complex. Mars will finish its Retrograde path from Jan. 12 in the sign of Gemini, giving a social boost to your communicative side: outings galore, quality time with loved ones in sight and above all lots of fun. On January 28, a Venus in Pisces will go on to end the month on a high note: this romantic transit will foreground your ability to listen and be understanding toward others. 


How will 2023 go, Aries?

Dear Aries, 2023 is starting off more crackling than you might imagine. You are grittier than ever and luck will be your bff: on a personal level any planet in Aries will be fine. In April you will develop the best version of you. In short, no one will be able to upstage you. Get ready for the new experiences that are yet to come and to revolutionize your daily life, be ready to welcome new stimuli with the enthusiasm and positivity that represent you when you are truly happy. 

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435064

January Horoscope 2023 Aries

You would like to run but something is still holding you back, winter is trying to knock you out but with little result. Nothing and no one stops an Aries. Jupiter, the planet of well-being and optimism, is by your side this month and will help you keep your head up. You're even more confident when you don't take yourself too seriously, so put your mood swings to rest with a few extra outings. Life is good if you enjoy it. 

Magical moment: Thursday, 26, your hopes are strengthened.

Take it from here: Byebye long faces, seize the moment as only you can.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go, Taurus?

The whirlwind of changes persists and continues to revolutionize 2023 as well. The sign of Taurus is notoriously not a big fan of twists and turns, but come May perhaps something will change. The sky of 2023 speaks of new work and love opportunities on the horizon, while old, destructive habits take a one-way flight to a desert island, where they will no longer be reachable.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435066

 January Horoscope 2023

You're inside an amusement park, front row on a roller coaster. You appear patient but have the adrenaline charge ready to explode: your securities (earthly/material, emotional, personal) have been lost after the eclipses that have characterized the past year. There is nothing more powerful than being free and light to start writing a new chapter in your life.


Start again from here: Activate dominatrix mode and stop waiting for external stimuli

Magic moment: Jan. 2, less thinking, more action


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go, Gemini?

Your adaptive spirit cooperates to make you live every moment lightly in 2023, a year decidedly inclined to please air signs. Through March, with Mars in your sign, we expect a Gemini ready for action. Of course, you'll have plenty of gossip to tell; even the walls will know about your adventures (even the hot ones). As always, you won't mind telling how you feel to the face of the person concerned: keep working on sincerity as a strength of your character, always make it work in your favor.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435060

January 2023 Horoscope Gemini

January is an icicle, but with you, Gemini, it really feels like Rio de Janeiro. No one will be able to say no to you, you're going to rock this month. We'll see you at your most energetic in the day-to-day, or maybe not at all, as after working nonstop for the past few months, you decide to be you'll be out and about or maybe enjoying a well-deserved vacation where you'll meet new people to whom you can tell your life by the numbers, anyway, it's the first time they've heard that story.

Start over from here: Someone asked for a fire extinguisher when you entered the room

Magical Moment: Jan. 13, your bubbles won everyone over.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


How will 2023 go, Cancer?

The key to your 2023 is long-term plans. This will be a year when you feel the need to concretize and go the extra mile. You will begin to break away from family roots to become 100 percent independent. The gates of big news are about to open; who knows if you'll be able to find an environment you can finally call "home" with Mars in your sign in the spring.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435062

January Horoscope 2023 Cancer 

Dear Cancer, January will serve you as a time to reflect on politely wrapping up unfinished situations from the past year or whether to politely send everyone packing. This is the month when the Full Moon will be in your sign, and this transit always gives you a good shaker. You might think about buying a weekly planner-it will help you tidy up the emotional chaos of the first few weeks of the year so you can start being productive. 

Start over here: Don't cry over spilled milk, taste it

Magical moment: Jan. 6, the ocean of emotionality will sweep over you


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


How will 2023 go?

Dear Leo, this year you are in your roaring twenties, in every sense of the word. In the early months you will be as bubbly as a cabaret dancer, thanks to Jupiter forming a powerful aspect to your mood, but it will not be the constant of the year. Your energy (and the envy of others) may put you in the spotlight, but not as you wish: some gossip will be part of your life, be prepared to experience intense emotions, but never forget what you are worth and always think about how to make yourself proud, not others.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435059

January Horoscope 2023 Leo

Enjoy the luxury and wealth that life is bringing you: even though Venus forms an opposition with your sun, it hardly manages to overshadow it. Only in love comes some minor turmoil-everything seems to be a little quarrelsome-but maybe it's just a phase you need to get through to figure out what you really want. You are passionate and impulsive, but sometimes knowing how to keep quiet is a form of intelligence: during January, think about the consequences of what you say and you will avoid many misunderstandings.

Magical moment: Jan. 8, enjoy your best friends.

Start over: Remember that true divas run from the spotlight 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


How will 2023 go?

Perfect Virgo you still can't say your year has arrived. Try to bring up your 2023 humor with the song " Up & Down - Billy more." You'll keep putting yourself out there all the way, but mid-year, with Jupiter in a good position, the rewards you deserve for always working so hard will finally come. You'll need a breath of fresh air; try to reinterpret yourself and discover a new version of you.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435068

January Horoscope 2023

Your creative talents are kicking up dust; it's time to give them a good scrubbing dear Virgo. The first month of the year is calm, perfect to start planning that long-awaited make-over you've been dreaming about for a while but never have time to do. 

Start from here: Even if you don't like it, "Minimum expense, maximum return" is a good philosophy of life

Magic moment: Jan. 11, nostalgia knocks on your door, you open with a smile


LOVE: ⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go, Libra?

This year Libra's arms begin to hang on both sides. Your beauty will shine as always, but for this year, you'll have to figure out how to reinvent yourself: give up the classic Barbie rose and get in touch with your deepest self, focus on your interests and desires. Even if you keep the rose protected in a glass case anyway it loses a few petals, you might as well tit it outside and enjoy its scent.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435063

January Horoscope Libra 2023 

The holiday season has made you spend more than you would have liked, but for beauty you do this and more dear Libra. Unlucky in play, lucky in love says the saying, and this month, you already know your way around love, because January lets you live in your comforts. Take advantage of this time to reconnect with your tastes, explore, go to some exhibitions, but alone. Let your energy flow immaculately. 

Start over from here: Hands on the wheel, foot on the gas, destination: yourself.

Magic moment: Jan. 14, tête-à-têtes are the order of the day


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


How will 2023 go, Scorpio?

The sky of 2023 will be a passionate beat, a frequency of high, stinging moments, like you after all. The intensity of this year may push you at times to have the need to isolate yourself and lower yourself into a rem state. Nothing scares you, but you will be challenged and experience a Scorpio you may not have seen yet, but challenges are fun training for you.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435056

January Horoscope 2023 Scorpio

What a busy one this January! You're loading up on tasks to do both for duty and pleasure, and this seems to be making you a nervous wreck. Your emotional armor is letting in beams of light, although in love you lack a little romance and affection this month you make up for it all with the sexual sphere, which you know well.

Start again from here: Relax baby, you don't have to run a marathon every day

Magic moment: Jan. 16, economically interesting time


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go, Sagittarius?

2023 is very moderate for you Sagittarius. You are a libertine by nature but this year you will be busy moving forward with an overhaul toward yourself, you will get to know more spiritual parts of your life, and your optimism will be true to this new passage in sight. A conflict may arise if you exaggerate too much on the bad girl side but also on the angel girl side.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435057

January Horoscope 2023 Sagittarius

Mars in opposition continues to annoy you, won't leave you quiet and when you least expect it is ready to poke you. Try not to get caught up in the momentum and enjoy your achievements, put on a pair of headphones and as always, everything will pass.

Start from here: If you clip your own wings you will never be free to fly

Magical moment: Jan. 19, with your imagination you will be able to make a head of work (in an artistic/creative sense).


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go for you, Capricorn?

This year you're keeping romance just for yourself; you've already been too generous with others. You have a need to focus on yourself, and how can you blame yourself? In 2023 everything will proceed in stages but will end with a radiant sun. Career for you Capricorn seems to be going swimmingly; you'll be able to gratify yourself by taking off a few luxuries. 

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435061

January 2023 Capricorno Horoscope

January never seems to end, you want to get distracted, take and go out without having planned anything, quite unusual on your part. You will have to wait until the end of the month to give the right sprint to the new year. In the meantime, it's not bad to start planning now for the upcoming vacations.

Start again from here: Fall in love with you, no time for anyone else

Magical moment: Jan. 19, you'll have a schedule full of exciting appointments.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐

How is 2023 going to go, Aquarius?

A year of recovery is coming for you Friend of the zodiac, the last 2 years have not been easy but you have matured a lot, and you are ready to bring a new you to meet new people. Expect lots of compliments for the work you've done, but realize firsthand your worth. Show everyone what you are made of.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435065

January 2023 Aquarius Horoscope

You still have a few challenges ahead of you, but once you get past the last one, you'll appreciate every lesson you've learned. You will be proud of the change and trials you have overcome in more areas of life. At the end of the month there is a new Moon in Aquarius in your life, so be ready for exciting new beginnings, who knows maybe it will also bring you some knowledge capable of awakening your hot side.

Magical moment: Jan. 20, you'll feel like a wonder (Aquarius season begins).

Take it from here: Be honest with yourself, give yourself more compliments 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

How will 2023 go, Pisces?

You are coming off a banner year 2022, Neptune stops in your sign, creativity is through the roof you have the ability to convey your fantasies through new hobbies. The spring months will have a bitter aftertaste with Saturn's entry into your sign, you love sweet things and are not yet ready for change, but transits will be on your side.

The year 2023 and January 2023 Horoscope by nss G-Club The key to jumpstart the year is to give yourself credit and the right value | Image 435058

January 2023 Pisces Horoscope 

The first days of January leave you perplexed, pressing the feeling of whether you've done things the right way. You always walk on tiptoe, and all the attention you put into things eventually pays off: love at the end of the month is ready to give you all the certainty you feel you need. Your comb meets no knots on the road, reveal your hair-care routine.