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nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope

The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign

nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the end of 2022, and like every year, it is time to take stock and make new New Year's resolutions.  What will happen in the sky during this month? The Sun is in Sagittarius, bringing optimism and courage to all signs. On December 6 Mercury runs fast in Capricorn where Venus will also be joined on the 10th, just in time to remind us that things the last days of the year should always be done right. On the night of the 7th to the 8th the Full Moon in Gemini will light up the sky making us realize that communicating to others what we feel is the key to everything. On the 20th Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, enters Aries to warm hearts and stimulate new things in the run-up to the New Year. On the 21st the vibes change, the Capricorn season begins bringing more concreteness and practicality. Finally on the 23rd the New Moon also in Capricorn will teach us a great lesson: everything can be done if things are done with the head, but this will not please all signs.

What does the sky have planned for your sign for the month? Let's find out together right now! For each sign also a little wish and suggestion to end the year on a high note.


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432408

It's time for resolutions dear Aries, what do you envision for the coming year? This is how I see it: sparkling, important to the heart and with the knowledge that anything will be possible. December finds you tired and rehearsed, which is perfectly normal considering the path you've taken so far. But as early as the 20th a new energy will brighten your days because Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the zodiac, will enter right into your sign and stay there for many months. So off to positivity, serenity and security in many areas, it's time to think big dear Aries, you deserve it. 

Special moment: Dec. 21, you will finally get up on the right foot.

A ticket to: serenity, may you find happiness within yourself.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432405

Let's face it, the last period has been challenging dear Taurus. The Scorpio season and, therefore, the eclipse season have really challenged so many certainties in your life, leading you to have to necessarily rebalance some aspects. But the worst seems to be over; now it is time to put the pieces back together to build a new path. The year ends on a high note, with the Capricorn season bringing new beginnings and new goals. Take this time between now and the New Year to figure out which direction you want to go. And I'm already anticipating that you will go far, far away. 

Special moment: Dec. 23, be selfish and put yourself first.

A ticket to: a new you, may the exploration take you so far that you get to know yourself again

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432400

Moment of great beginnings dear Gemini. Mars in your sign leads you to take action, realizing as you go all the ideas that had been lingering in your mind until now. The month of December brings more initiative in both relationship and work. So whatever your situation is, rest assured that it will somehow evolve and the stars foretell in a positive way. If the first part of the month having the sun in opposition can start more in slow motion, from the 21st with the beginning of the Capricorn season things immediately become more interesting and dynamic. The stars are rooting for you, all that's missing is for you to believe in yourself!

Special moment: December 8, the full moon in your sign opens your eyes like it hasn't in a while.

A note to: your self-esteem, may the experiences you will have allow you to really believe in yourself.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐


LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432410

Dear Cancer, you've been neglecting your needs a bit in the last period, haven't you? This month's mission is really to start from scratch, rebuilding a path from your roots to who you really are right now. It is important to pay attention to how you feel and what your body is trying to communicate to us. We often understand that we are in the wrong place (or with someone wrong) precisely because of our body's reactions to which we cannot always give a real reason. Here, the month of December will teach you to put boundaries in place to survive, or rather to begin to really live in harmony with yourself and your needs. It will be a tough but very very important time. 

Special moment: December 10, a time for giving and receiving love.

A ticket to: freedom, may you let yourself go unrestrained.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432401

The path of change you have been on is evolving great dear Leo. Looking back on this past year so many things have changed, primarily yourself and your surroundings. You are finding a new dimension that makes you feel better and proud of yourself. Cutting off the deadwood was the right decision for you to make. So now is the time to really put yourself out there, throwing yourself into new adventures that can let others (and yourself) discover who you are and what you are made of. This is not the time to keep the impulse at bay, but to take risks and choose by following your heart.

Special moment: Dec. 13, life will surprise you a little more today

A note to: your heart, may you always choose your next moves head-on 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432406

We are getting ready for a super new year dear Virgo. I don't want to give too much away, but I can tell you that 2023 will bring big news, but we'll think about that later. Back to us, the December stars want to see you dare. Get out of the box, think less and be more impulsive, conquer the world with your vision of things and don't look back. Sometimes you feel you can't do everything you want to do because of other people's judgment. But I want to reassure you, often these problems are only in our heads...everyone is too busy thinking about themselves instead of looking at others. So let yourself go, continue on your way and allow yourself to live without always putting your foot on the brake. Full speed ahead!

Special moment: December 15, even the little things should be celebrated.

A note to: your intuition, which will take you far if you listen to it 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432409

Dear Libra, the last month of the year is about enjoying your environment. We often believe that happiness lies in things outside of us, such as the opportunities that our fomo (fear of missing out, or fear of missing out on something, ed.) forces us to attend because otherwise who knows what we'll miss. Here, in the month of December you will understand that you don't need to go far to feel peaceful and calm. Your environment, your affections and, above all, yourself are the elements you need. And this is precisely the point from which you need to start again after a period that has seen you lost. The solid points of your life and the little daily things that really make you yourself. Without going who knows how far, the answers are often all around you, if not right inside you.

Special moment: Dec. 17, unexpected advice will make you realize many things

A note to: calm, may you re-establish your priorities and understand what really matters 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432404

How good is it to evolve? You know it well dear Scorpio. During the period of October and November so many things changed and this will be a time you will never forget, I assure you. It was a time when you questioned yourself, put an end to certain situations that no longer fit you, burned the old you once and for all, and all this with a smile. Of course you suffered, but to suffering you responded with action and taking a stand. You will never be who you were again; now it is time to build a new you based on what you believe in. Thus begins a time of a new expression in so many areas, first and foremost sentimental.

Special moment: december 20, don't make the same mistakes today that you made in the past.

A note to: your emotions, may you shout to the world what you feel without fear


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432403

Happy birthday dear Sagittarius! Your season has begun and this year the vibes get deeper and more introspective. Your birthday is not only about celebrating, but also about facing sides of you that you don't know and that might scare you. The month's stars will teach you to discover yourself and get in touch with a more vulnerable version of you. Others will play a very important role in this phase, helping you to understand that even in the greatest moments of difficulty you are never alone. On December 7 and 8 with the Full Moon in Gemini you may feel conflicting emotions within you. Turmoil, fear and insecurity, it's time to let go of these feelings and start over with you. 

Special moment: Dec. 7, what are you willing to lose?

A note to: yourself, that you start taking care of you for real 

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432399

For an analytical and pragmatic sign like you doing the math at the end of the year is a natural action. How did this year go? At various times you felt on the edge, with your feet in two shoes and sometimes off the mark. And in those moments you promised yourself, "I never want to feel this way again." And so began a journey of change, leading you to build a healthier relationship with yourself. So to sum up, 2022 may not have been the breakthrough year, but it allowed you to understand many things that, without the negative emotions, you probably would never have understood. So now is the time to figure out what is holding you back, what you are afraid of, and what is hindering you from achieving your dreams. If you get rid of these skeletons, everything will be possible. 

Special moment: Dec. 23, someone will show an understanding you don't expect

A note to: self-love, may you love yourself so deeply that you know everything always works out

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432407

How important is it to be in the present? So dear Aquarius. December will not be a particularly active month for you, but a period of apparent calm that will accompany you toward major changes as early as the first weeks of 2023. So how to make the most of it? Certainly by dealing with all the issues of the past that cyclically come back into your life. There is a need to make peace with the things that have happened, whatever "making peace" means to you. Whether it's cutting ties and never thinking about it again or making that call that costs you emotionally, it needs to be done now more than ever. Only then will you be able to put a period and have the energy you need to face such a rich and surprising new year.

Special Moment: Dec. 26, are you ready to be amazed?

A note to: the courage to go back, may you face the past for an unfettered present


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


nss G-Club's December 2022 Horoscope  The end only the other side of a new beginning: find out how best to end the year according to your zodiac sign  | Image 432402

A very positive period is ahead in which there will be no shortage of opportunities to shine dear Pisces. Doors are opening wide to new possibilities, especially in the run-up to the New Year. Use the first part of the month to clear some doubts about what to do. You have lots of ideas but not all of them convince you 100 percent. You are still discovering what you want to do and the way forward in the new year. Take your time and instead of being right away projected toward new things, appreciate what you have. Only by really understanding where you stand can you figure out your next steps. 


Special moment: Dec. 28, you see a first glimpse of the future.

A note to: the here and now, may you take your time to better understand


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐