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nss G-Club's September 2022 Horoscope

In un mese di nuovi inizi, scopri una nuova abitudine da implementare abbinata tuo segno zodiacale

nss G-Club's September 2022 Horoscope In un mese di nuovi inizi, scopri una nuova abitudine da implementare abbinata tuo segno zodiacale

Happy new "year" to allə! Yes, let's say that September for many is a bit like New Year's Eve, ushering in new beginnings and with many good resolutions to fulfill. But let's look at the transits of this period to understand the mood of the month. On the 5th Venus enters Virgo ushering in a more concrete and rational period for feelings. If you want to get serious about love this will be the right time. On the 10th a bright Full Moon in Pisces will light up our skies giving voice to our deepest desires. But not only that, also on this date the dreaded Mercury Retrograde will begin, we have warned youə. September 23 will usher in a beautiful new astrological season, that of Libra, and on the 25th the New Moon, also in Libra, will allow us to better plan our autumn. On the 29th Venus greets Virgo to enter the sign of Libra: the season of romantic and sentimental love officially begins! Finally, Mars in Gemini for the entire month (actually it will be there for a good s-e-t-e months) makes for more spicy and heated discussions.

What does the sky have planned for your sign this month and what is the new habit you absolutely must adopt according to the stars? 

Carə Aries, the month of September will not exactly be a cakewalk for you. All these planets in opposition don't like you and, to make matters worse, Mercury Retrograde is also added. There could be misunderstandings (keep that bad language at bay), hiccups and last-minute changes of plans. You may feel very irritatedə and as if the whole world has it in for you, especially on the 25th with the New Moon in opposition. Don't give up, respond to these signals from the universe calmly and patiently-you can do it.

Magic moment: September 12, self-care day!

Your new habit: Create a morning ritual. Relax your nerves before you start your hectic days.  


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Taurus, September is absolutely the beginning of beginnings for you. To do list, new resolutions, new goals and a detailed plan to follow from now until the end of the year: but who is better off than you? Even love smiles on you, with Venus in favor from the beginning of the month your heart warms up and you welcome every emotion with open arms. As for work or university, it's a time of great revision, also accomplice Uranus retrograde in your sign. Are you sure you feel fulfilled by your current situation? Or are there changes-even small ones-that you could implement to better experience some dynamics? Think about it.

Magic moment: Sept. 14, love in sight, keep your eyes wide open.

Your new habit: Heal your body from the inside out, too, with healthy, plant-based eating.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Gemini, Mars in your sign for a long time makes you communicvə and with a lot of desire to discuss. This in the eyes of others, especially the more sensitive ones, may make you appear polemicə and quarrelsomeə. Let's also say that Mercury Retrograde does not help; even the lightest sentences can be taken personally. Don't be hurt if others don't understand your intentions; perhaps by speaking more calmly and diplomatically, communication may improve.

Magic moment: Sept. 17, it will be super easy to let go of what you no longer want. 

Your new habit: Feed your mind with reading, reading has never been so cool


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐


Carə Cancer, what a month full of changes! You breathe a new, lighter and fresher air, making you readyə to face a new phase of life. The focus of the month will be on your relationships-love and otherwise-and the way you position yourself with others. Often you are too submissiveə and in order not to create situations that would be uncomfortable for you, you don't express your ideas for fear of arguing. Spoiler: with Mars in Gemini you will definitely argue with someone and that's okay! Learn to show this side of you too, people will accept you as you are, I can assure you. 

Magic moment: September 19, a good time to open your heart.

Your new habit: Clear your mind and clear your mind with sports, you will feel your best


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Leo, what a busy month was last month? August will forever remain in your heart because of all the amazing experiences you had. September, on the other hand, will be more a time of review and analysis, especially in the first half of the month. The stars are asking you to rethink the way you manage your finances (hole hands? who, you?!?) making you feel some pressure in this area. From the 23rd with the start of the Libra Season things get decidedly more fun and lighter. The Sun illuminates your sphere of creativity: give your best in a project close to your heart. Magic moment: Sept. 22, a day of rest and relaxation.

Your new habit: Delight in cooking with homemade dishes, fun and super satisfying.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Virgo, happy birthday! September is absolutely your favorite month of the year because there are always so many things happening to get you off to a great start and not to think longingly about summer and vacations. Venus in the sign for most of the month makes you see the world through the eyes of love. You will attract all the good vibes of the universe with your serene and relaxed mood and will probably experience Woody Allen comedy situations. Even Mercury Retrograde won't be able to dent your days, great!

Magic moment: Sept. 5, Venus in the sign brings romance and beauty into your life

Your new habit: No more being a crusader, welcome into your life only people who make you feel good.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Libra, the month of September will be very special, especially starting on the 23rd, when the Sun will enter your sign ushering in the Libra Season. The first part of the month will be necessary to think about yourselfə and to question the way you experience certain situations, particularly the way you communicate and make decisions. During your astrological season, however, you will savor the first consequences of your inner change. You will begin to feel how much perspectives can change when you are the one changing your attitude to what is happening. In the end you just need to think less and be more impulsive, always bringing out the real you.

Magic moment: September 25, learn to say yes to new things without thinking twice.

Your new habit: Less online life and more offline experiences, put your smartphone away when it's not necessary and savor real emotions.

HOTNESS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Scorpio, the September sky is looking very interesting. It is not a month that requires any particular action on your part, but more seeking within yourself a new awareness. In the last period you have not stopped for a moment, I would say it is time to unplug and rest your body and mind. Also because Mercury in retrograde motion could make you feel particularly tried with every little annoyance it leaves in your path. 

Letting go and not always being on the ball is crucial to recalibrating your energy. 

Magical Moment: Sept. 29, Sometimes it takes very little to be genuinely happy.

Your new habit: Show gratitude to others and to life in general. Everything comes back, don't forget that.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Sagittarius, the September sky is preparing you for many new beginnings. Sure, there will be no shortage of fatigue and bad days, but by the end of the month you'll feel more accomplished than when you leftə. At some moments the vibes may get heavy: Mercury retrograde, Mars in opposition, Venus and the Sun in an unlucky position don't let you off the hook. It's up to you to unleash all your good grip to face even the most stressful situations (especially work and love *cough cough*) with optimism and be reborn as a butterfly on the 25th with a very special New Moon. 

Magic moment: Sept. 3, pat yourself on the back for all the progress you've made

Your new habit: Carve out a few minutes every day to take care of yourself exclusivelyə


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Capricorn, September is shaping up to be a month full of swinging emotions. If from the beginning of the month things seem to be starting on the right track and your mood is full of positivity, from the 23rd some situations may take a different turn. Mercury Retrograde (for most of the month also in opposition, haha) will make you realize how necessary it will be to think step by step and not always make plans for the future. Learn to live by the day so you can react to setbacks that will come one at a time. By organizing day by day you won't give anything or anyone a chance to destroy your long-term plans; play smart. 

Magic moment: Sept. 6, take a break from everything and everyone.

Your new habit: Try to enjoy more where you are now and don't always focus on your future. 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Aquarius, forget the heaviness of August because September brings a new wave of pure lightness. Thanks to favorable transits, this period will be more chill and relaxed. You will finally be able to focus on your passions and affections without guilt. Very interesting second half of the month

which will bring many small changes in your life so that you will be closer and closer to your goals. From the 29th Venus in a beautiful position brings a lot of desire to love, go along with it. 

Magical moment: Sept. 8, a day to remember

Your new habit: Meditate, meditate, meditate! Even 5 minutes is enough to feel the difference.


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


Carə Pisces, love is in the air but you just don't want to know about it. Maybe you don't feel that romantic, dreamy drive that always accompanies you. It may be the fault of Mercury Retrograde creating disturbed and unclear communications or the Full Moon right in your sign bringing up some issues that need to be dealt with that you'd really like to leave in oblivion. 

Let's say it's not really the right time to launch into a new love adventure. You need serenity and lightheartedness first. Think about cultivating more self-love during this month; the rest will be taken care of in October.

Magic moment: September 10, a day of strong emotions: anything can happen.

Your new habit: Before bed put your phone aside and do something for you 


LOVE: ⭐⭐⭐

LUCK: ⭐⭐⭐⭐