Guide to manifestation, the trend that makes your dreams come true
Where does the most famous TikTok native content come from?

May 4th, 2022
In this wave of new interest in the pro-esoteric currents, if you can call them that, one of the most successful practices is positive thinking or, as you can find on TikTok, manifestation. The principle is apparently very simple and owes its fame to the huge success of the self help book "The Secret", the Bible of manifestation. Despite the fascination with the thoughts and practices behind manifestation, the exasperation of the concept and its uses might lead you to abandon the volume well before the end. But let's take a step back: what is manifestation?
Manifestation consists of attracting to oneself what one most desires in this world by visualizing it. Whether it's love, happiness, peace, money, a cat or a win, it doesn't matter the object as much as the clarity of thought and being able to make it concrete through the 5 senses, constantly. So, once you have clearly identified the object of your desire (first step that may seem obvious but, try to draw up a list that can go beyond 30 desires and we'll talk about it) you must begin to attract it. There are several techniques to do this, but the simplest is certainly to set aside time each day to visualize the goal and make it part of your daily life. For example, imagine that you desire a new love, with all your heart, but without yet knowing who the object of your love will actually be. For example, describe the ideal person and all his or her qualities, characteristics, and faults, and outline his or her outline, day after day, more and more defined. Dedicating yourself to this activity for at least ten minutes every day, activating a sort of meditation around the desire and training yourself to feel emotions of joy, satisfaction, peace, just as if that new love was already part of your life, should bring the object of desire to manifest itself in reality.
Total absurdity? Maybe. But it might be worth spending 10 minutes a day manifesting what we crave most in life, trying to replicate the joy of having achieved everything we ever could have imagined to finally visualize what we deserve. Focusing your energy on believing it will fill you with a positive energy that can change the tone of your thoughts. Not only for yourself but also for those around you. You will begin to emanate, willy-nilly, positive vibrations, capable of influencing not only your mood. In the best case scenario, you might even end up achieving what you've always wanted. Not bad, right?
@saaabinkaaa_ Claim it #spiritualtok #spiritualtiktok #witchtok #claimit #believeitachieveit #manifestation #abundance #love #soulfamily #woketok #lightworker My New Daily Mantra - Rah
@thewerklife THIS #dailyhabits #dailyroutine #healthyhabits #productivitytips #mindsetmotivation original sound - The WERK LIFE
@simplifying.sam I hope this finds my people #manifestation #mastermanifestor #createyourdreamlife #perceptionisreality #spirituality #spiritualtiktok original sound - Samantha
@marcelinebby Do it! #spirituality#fyp#manifestation I Love My Boyfriend by Princess Chelsea - Moved Account.
@manifest.today Use this affirmation to use your dream life #manifestation #affirmation ORANGE JUICE ale x rozie - rozie
Here are the 3 main steps to manifesting what you want:
1- Write down in black and white what you would like to accomplish, including as many details as possible, even very practical ones: for example, if it's about finding the perfect house, how many rooms should it have? What color are the walls? How many burners?
2- Reread every day the words that perfectly describe the object of your desire, reserving at least ten minutes every morning or evening to free yourself from all thoughts to focus solely on visualizing the desire: make it concrete, present, as if it were already part of your life.
3- After visualizing it with constancy and clarity, begin to feel intensely, with the same joy that you would feel having already obtained what you want. Wake up in the morning savoring the sense of achievement, joy, satisfaction. Exactly as if each day brings you closer and closer to achieving the goal.
It may take weeks or months, but you will need to be sure of the result before you even see it, with a little healthy faith, but not too much.